5 Best Fortnite Horror Creative Map Codes
By Ayrton Lauw

Summer is starting to heat up the nation and what better way to have a summer camp horror story than to have it in Fortnite, these are a few among the many Fortnite horror maps in Creative mode.
5 Best Fortnite Horror Creative Map Codes
These maps offer some of the better maps to play that aren't completely filled with jump scares and offer subpar gameplay. That said, Fortnite does have its limitations to create a proper horror story, but these maps were created by players that made lemonade with lemons.
1. Bush Murder Mystery by SSundee
A murder mystery is always a fun way to mysteriously kill loved ones - in a game setting of course. The Bush Murder Mystery by popular Fortnite YouTuber, SSundee, is both thrilling as it is hilarious to play with other people. There are no jump scares in this mode, though murdering others in Fortnite unsuspectingly can prove to be just as scary as any other game. Code: 2015-8357-2340
2. Alien by Jakobpugh2005
Theming it with the latest of Fortnite's alien-themed season, the horror map Alien offers another survival horror and is equipped with a setting that is truly frightening on its own.
Code: 4804-2127-0019
3. Escape the Serial Killer by Rquinze4
Interested in gameplay similar to that of the SCP and Amnesia series? Well, Escape the Serial Killer by Rquinze4 is definitely a proper choice. Though this map is only in its "Chapter 1" phase, it does show a lot of promise as a horror map, while also not fully frightening the pants off players that wish to try it out.
Code: 4112-4328-3866
4. The Story of Oliver Whitlock by Subcloning
One of the more methodically made maps coupled with jump scares is The Story of Oliver Whitlock by Subcloning. This map takes players through a dystopian horror story where players need to complete some Legend of Zelda-esque puzzles using the items given to them - a very well-made horror map indeed.
Code: 3896-7727-6824
5. The Mystery of Bleakwater by Subcloning
Another map by Subcloning, this one is a well-thought-of and flushed-out horror map that will take nearly two hours to complete on the first playthrough. The game truly understands the limitations that Fortnite has and though it can be linear, the story that Subcloning provided for this map is masterful and has a proper nod to that of Silent Hill.
Code: 6999-4525-4637