5 Best Junglers in League of Legends Patch 11.13
By Ayrton Lauw

League of Legends Patch 11.13 will see a lot of changes to the top lane meta, and what better way to combine that with some of the better jungler picks that can compliment the top lane and win games handily.
11.13 Patch Preview with full changes.
— Mark Yetter (@MarkYetter) June 15, 2021
This'll be my last preview before moving teams, I'll update you all next week with more info about how we're sharing these in the future. pic.twitter.com/BylvBcdxn3
5 Best Junglers in League of Legends Patch 11.13
Junglers are remaining slightly untouched in this patch, so as in previous patches, the meta for junglers will be similar in higher-ranked matches and professional play; with a few changes as other champions will become more relevant than others.. The inclusion of the two new items, Hullbreaker and Anathema's Chains, could see some varying success in matches which could lead to tankier champions to return to the jungle.
1. Evelynn
Evelynn is going to be a solid pick in the jungle as she remains untouched for this patch. She boasts one of the higher win rates in Challenger matches, only slightly lower than Kindred, and will likely stay one of the more relevant picks to play in the jungle in order to do damage while tanks start to become more prevalent in jungle too.
2. Kindred
Kindred will have a great role in the jungle meta as the top lane only gets more tankier. Kindred players will be a secondary damage dealer and be effective in ganks to the top lane when trying to dish out damage for those struggling to gain an advantage against the tanks. There are no adjustments to Kindred in this patch, and as she boasts one of the higher win rates in Challenger queues, she will stay as a pick-or-ban champion for this patch.
3. Lee Sin
Lee Sin will likely take a break from the top lane, however, that doesn't necessarily mean that he won't be abused just the same in the jungle. The newest patch will nerf his (E) ability, making it harder to clear the jungle early on, but there are no changes to his utility which still makes him an amazing pick in the jungle.
4. Rumble
Rumble is still going to have a lot of the same dominance as he's had in both professional play and in ranked matches. There is a slight nerf to his (W) ability, in which the cool down will go from six seconds to seven to six seconds, while the movement speed will go from 15-35 to 10-30%. Nothing entirely game breaking for the mechanized menace, but the nerfs could make ganks and jungle clears a bit slower. Regardless, Rumble is still going to deliver great utility for team fights with no changes to his other abilities.
5. Xin Zhao
Unlike the other two champions before, Xin Zhao has zero changes to his abilities, and his core items will remain unchanged in this patch as well. The exception is that he will solidify himself as an effective split pusher with the new Hullbreaker item. If Xin Zhao players win trades in the top lane, leaving him the only one standing, Hullbreaker could be abused to where he could become another champion similar to Jax.