5 Best League of Legends Skin Releases in 2020

5 Best League of Legends Skins Released in 2020
5 Best League of Legends Skins Released in 2020 / Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

Numerous League of Legends champions had their best skins released in 2020. According to a Riot Games Developer by the name of Bellisimoh, the team had planned on releasing roughly 120 skins by the end of the year. The best skins are flashy and creative, but still fit the champions original design. With that in mind, here are the best 5 skins released this year.

5 Best League of Legends Skin Releases in 2020

Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol

This skin for Aurelion Sol makes the champion looks intimidating. Originally, Aurelion Sol looked like a very interesting character, but not a very threatening one. However, look at the detail put into the glowing energy. Pair that with armor that Aurelion Sol doesn't have on his base design. This champion looks scary good.

Conqueror Nautilus

This is the skin for anyone who mains Nautilus exclusively. This skin emanates an aura of champion caliber. The design does seem similar to Nautilus's original design. However, it doesn't quite have the same intimidation factor. True to the name, this skin makes Nautilus look like a conqueror.

Battlecast Zac

At first glance, this skin might not seem like it fits Zac's design. His original green glob form put into a metal design seems off. Then you realize how the metal melts into the floor, and how the blobs also get their own metal design. Zac is typically a character that doesn't get a lot of attention. After this skin though, players will definitely want to give this champion a second look.

Storm Dragon Lee Sin

The Blind Monk has never looked this good until now. Lee Sin has a lot of funny designs like, Playmaker and Pool Party. This style however fits Lee Sin to the core. His kick ability is called Dragon's Rage. Now that ability name has a reason.

PsyOps Pyke

A handful of champions received PsyOps skins this year. By far the best PsyOps skin goes to Pyke. No other character could pull off the mesh, stealth headgear like Pyke. On top of that, the glowing blade and intimidating armor fit the original design of Pyke.