5 Best Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 11.13
By Ayrton Lauw

League of Legends Patch 11.13 will hit Summoner's Rift on Wednesday and will directly affect the top lane meta and two new items for the pool - these are the top lane picks that will stand above the rest.
11.13 Patch Preview with full changes.
— Mark Yetter (@MarkYetter) June 15, 2021
This'll be my last preview before moving teams, I'll update you all next week with more info about how we're sharing these in the future. pic.twitter.com/BylvBcdxn3
5 Best Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 11.13
The upcoming patch will have changes towards several items, and its biggest hit will be to Stridebreaker. It is a big nerf for champions that relied or abused the dash mechanic within the item, which will give players a bigger headache as the meta transitions to split-pushing top lanes and tanks.
Two new items will debut that may sway the top lane meta slightly, though it may take some time for higher-ranked players begin to find out how to abuse it effectively for others to learn. One of the items, Anathema's Chains, will give 650 health to champions at a 2,500 gold price point and benefits tanks that are trying to stop the split pushing top lane champions. The other item, Hullbreaker, will be the item to build if top lanes are choosing to split push. Its passive will give bonus armor and 20% increased damage to towers, while also buffing large minions in the area.
1. Shen
Tanks are looking healthy, which means Shen will especially thrive again in this patch as well. There were not any changes to him in this patch, and with the inclusion of Anathema's Chains, the ninja could see larger success in solo queue and professional play.
2. Jax
Jax is looking to be one of the scarier picks in the top lane to go against. As the new Hullbreaker item will directly buff his innate split pushing abilities, if the other top laner does not build the Anathema's Chains in order to counter it, it's likely that Jax will simply win the game for the team just by taking objectives.
3. Darius
Darius will have some flexibility for this coming patch to see where he will fit, either as a dedicated bruiser that can split push as well, or as a tank, with great utility. Regardless, Darius looks very strong in the upcoming patch and will likely see a lot of picks as players figure out which of the two new items will fit best with him.
4. Fiora
Fiora will look just as strong for this patch in tandem to how Jax will be with the new Hullbreaker item. Fiora currently has one of the highest win rates in challenger matches along with a high pick rate, and as there are no changes to her core items, it's likely she will continue a lot of her success in this patch as well.
5. Riven
Though there is a nerf to Riven for this patch, it's unlikely that this will effect her severely. Her Valor (E) ability will have its shield go from 95-215 to 80-200 - virtually doing little to stop the pain train that will still go through the top lane.