5 Worst AD Carries in League of Legends Patch 10.14

Corki, the Daring Bombardier
Corki, the Daring Bombardier / Image via Riot Games

League of Legends Patch 10.14 sees some changes to the bottom lane as four champions were targeted.

Bot lane can be a weaker role especially in the lower ranks as most solo queue teams will not protect their AD carry. For this reason, AD carries that have some sort of self-peel or the ability to duel other champions by themselves are great picks for solo queue. The worst ADCs are overly reliant on their teams and aren't able to find kills fast enough.

Let's take a look at which ADCs you should avoid whenever possible in the bot lane.

5 Worst AD Carries in League of Legends Patch 10.14


Corki is an old champion and often struggles to keep up with ADCs that have much more utility and solo kill potential. He loses matchups against almost the entire bot lane meta such as Kai'Sa, Jhin, Ashe, Jinx, Caitlyn, Ezreal and Draven. In Patch 10.14, you will be hard pressed to win games playing Corki ADC unless you have mastered the champion.


Varus was hit hard by nerfs in two consecutive patches and is considerably weaker. His win rate has dropped almost 3% and currently sits at 47%. After nerfs to both Piercing Arrow (Q) and Hail of Arrows (E), it feels like Varus loses a lot of trades that he was previously winning and the champion should be revisited when the meta is a little more favorable to him. If you're looking for a "lock down ADC" feel, try Ashe instead.


Like Corki, Ziggs ADC is an older pick that's struggling in today's meta. Ziggs' ability to execute towers makes him a favorable pick because he is able to siege towers so fast and punish poor enemy macro play. Ziggs can be deadly late game, but his lane phase is what places him on this list. Ziggs can trade fine in the mid lane, but if he gets engaged on by a support or misses his abilities, he doesn't have any auto attack damage to win the trade.

Any ADC with long auto-attack range or good poke abilities will easily be able to stop Ziggs from farming and come out of lane phase on top.


Kog'Maw is one of League of Legends' scariest late game threats and can win games by himself if left unchecked. Unfortunately for fans of the champion, hard scaling champions like Kog'Maw are having a tough time in the current meta. It's hard to have an early impact on Kog'Maw unless you get fed early. If you're looking for a hard scaling ADC to play in the current meta, give Kai'Sa or Jinx a try.


At her core, Tristana is a crit-based stat check ADC. In other words, she will typically beat anyone she is ahead of and lose to anyone she is behind with little outplay potential. The current meta offers several other champions that offer much more utility to their kits while having a similar damage output. T

ristana is not a bad champion, she is just a less effective version of some of the others currently controlling the meta. Instead of Tristana, give Caitlyn or Jhin a try.