5 Worst Bot Lane Duos in League of Legends Patch 10.16

Thresh and Aphelios are one of the worst bot lane duos in League of Legends Patch 10.16.
Thresh and Aphelios are one of the worst bot lane duos in League of Legends Patch 10.16. / Photo by Riot Games

The five worst bot lane duos in League of Legends Patch 10.16 brings you the top pairings to avoid on Summoner's Rift. Patch 10.16 brings many champion changes resulting in a shift of the current meta game.

Duo que in League of Legends can be a strong asset for players looking to gain LP quickly. Just be sure to avoid the five worst bot lane duos below.

5 Worst Bot Lane Duos in League of Legends Patch 10.16

5. Kai'Sa and Sett

Kai'Sa and Sett have both individually been struggling in the bottom lane as of late. League of Legends Patch 10.16 brings nerfs to Sett further reducing his power in the support role and making this one of the worst duo lanes in the current meta.

4. Aphelios and Thresh

While this used to be a ridiculously strong lane, Aphelios and Thresh have both received nerfs in recent patches. While the synergy remains relatively unaffected, decreased power levels especially for Aphelios translate into an awful duo pairing.

3. Ezreal and Yuumi

While many bottom lane champions received buffs in Patch 10.16 including Morgana, Miss Fortune, Lucian and Jinx previous patches can not be forgotten. Prior nerfs to Yuumi and Ezreal paired with various buffs to their lane competitors mean this duo lane should be avoided.

2. Ashe and Sett

Ashe and Sett were previously a very strong pairing due to the sheer amount of crowd control offered by the pair. Patch 10.16 brings nerfs to both of these champions, significantly reducing their power level and the viability of this lane.

1. Tristana and Nautilus

Tristana has been struggling to recover from early game attack range nerfs in previous patches. While the yordle is receiving a slight buff to Explosive Charge (E) with Patch 10.16, this is not enough to combat previous nerfs. Tristanas' low power level paired with Nautilus nerfs in Patch 10.16 result in the worst lane duo in League of Legends.