5 Worst Junglers in League of Legends Patch 10.18

Some jungle champs just can't cut it in the current meta, here are the five worst champs in Patch 10.18
Some jungle champs just can't cut it in the current meta, here are the five worst champs in Patch 10.18 / Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

Some champions come in go in the meta and while there are a few champs that are consistently reliable, there are those drop to low pick rates and win rates.

League of Legends Patch 10.18 is now live so here are the five worst junglers in League of Legends Patch 10.18.

5 Worst Junglers in League of Legends Patch 10.18

1. Sylas

Sylas once was a solid jungler that used his sustain to dominate from the mid to late game. However, as the meta continues to evolve and champs like Kha'Zix, Hecarim and Kayn dominate the jungle, Sylas has lost his way in the jungle. Sylas' ultimate is too dependent on the opposing team and his kit is not conducive to ganking.

2. Trundle

The tank meta once dominated the jungle but faded into obscurity as assassin junglers took over. Trundle's kit is not inherently suitable for jungling but he is a capable gap closer and his ultimate allows him to get stronger the longer he fights. But for as long as champs like Kha'Zix remain strong, champs like Trundle will just have to lay back and wait.

3. Jarvan IV

One of the best utilitarian junglers out there, Jarvan IV has a team fight friendly kit and has excellent ganking ability. But his biggest problem is his damage, he just doesn't do enough of it. Especially since champs like Hecarim and Nunu & Willup counter him due to their mobility and versatility, Jarvan IV has pushed to the sidelines, even after a minor buff in League of Legends Patch 10.18.

4. Xin Zhao

Similar to Jarvan IV, Xin Zhao's kit is suitable for jungling with his E ability which allows him to jump on opponents from a certain distance and his Q ability which knocks up opponents on the third auto attack. But inevitably, Xin Zhao does not put out enough damage to stay relevant in the mid to late game.

5. Udyr

Udyr is one of the harder junglers and is also a punishing champ when it comes to clearing camps in the early game. Additionally, unlike the previously mentioned champs, he has no gank potential and requires players to run him into lane and hit the enemy champ. However, being aggressive during laning phase, tracking the enemy jungler and invading can pay huge dividends in the mid game.