5 Worst Mid Laners in League of Legends Patch 10.19

Here are the champs you should definitely not pick in the mid lane in League of Legends Patch 10.19
Here are the champs you should definitely not pick in the mid lane in League of Legends Patch 10.19 / Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

Besides knowing the best champions to play in the mid lane, there are a few that you should definitely not pick. They might have aged out of the meta or are simply just not strong enough to compete with the likes of Fizz or Kassadin.

Here are the five worst mid laners in League of Legends Patch 10.19 that you should avoid or take advantage of when playing against them.

5 Worst Mid Laners in League of Legends Patch 10.19

1. Kayle

Kayle relies on being able to survive until her level 11 power spike. She is still a viable top lane pick due to the fact that some top lane champs do not excel in the early game. However the best mid laners, such as Fizz or Zed can have an impact almost instantly. Avoid picking Kayle in the mid lane.

2. Brand

Brand's biggest problem is his lack of mobility. Yes, Brand can do massive damage and should not be underestimated, but similar to Kayle, he just won't be able to beat mid laners. It also just so happens that most of the strongest mid laners are extremely mobile such as Talon, Zed and Fizz.

3. Azir

Commonly referred to as the hardest champ to play in the game, Azir is one of those champs that especially in low elo can be taken advantage of. Just because you see Bjergsen tearing it up late game with Azir doesn't mean that Azir is right for you. There are far better picks that are not only easier but are more suitable but are more flexible.

4. Syndra

Syndra was once a powerful mid lane pick but after seeing success in pro play, she was hit with nerfs. After being a lower tiered mid lane pick in low elo, she is even more unsuitable for the mid lane. Similar to the rest of the picks on this list, there are just better mid laners that also are easier to play.

5. Sett

Sett's kit centers around going all in. His abilities are extremely punishable and if and ability doesn't land or and ultimate goes awry, the few champs that Sett players would least like to be punished by are all top mid laners. There are better AD champs to play like Zed who do what Sett does, but better.