5 Worst Supports in League of Legends Patch 10.14

Tahm Kench, the River King
Tahm Kench, the River King / Image via Riot Games

The worst supports in League of Legends Patch 10.14 are simply not worth your time in solo queue. Support is a diverse role as much of League of Legends' champion roster can be played effectively in the support role. Not all supports are created equal, however, and some people's support pocket picks can be an absolute nightmare to play with. Lets take a look at which support picks should make you dodge in Patch 10.14!

5 Worst Supports in League of Legends Patch 10.14

Tahm Kench

Late in Season 9, Tahm Kench was an unstoppable force in top and support. His ability, Thick Skin (E), made him a chore to kill, and his crowd control from Devour (W) gave him great utility in team fights. Riot has since nerfed the River King and he has struggled to find a place in the meta in Season 10. There are several other tank supports who have more reliable engage and better sustainability and warrant more play than Tahm Kench. Until Tahm Kench gets a little sturdier again, stick to supports like Nautilus, Blitzcrank, and Leona.


Playing Sett as a support is a newer trend that seems to be getting some traction in recent patches. Sett offers some serious kill pressure if he is able to get on top of the enemy team, however, he lacks ways to do so without Flash. Facebreaker (E) has limited range and longer range ADCs like Caitlyn can easily kite outside of its range. If you're looking for a support who can hold his own, give Pyke a try as he has better tools to close distance which is imperative for a melee support in the bot lane.


This kitty seems impossible to balance--she is perpetually either overpowered or terrible. After being one of League of Legends' most hated champions earlier in Season 10, Riot gutted Yuumi by nerfing her ability to heal. Yuumi feels like she has lost her impact, as her healing is a lot less noticeable than before. Yuumi's ultimate, Final Chapter (R), is still powerful if used correctly, but not enough to justify picking the champion on a regular basis. Yuumi should only be a niche pick to pair with specific AD carries such as Twitch, who has great synergy with her.


There are definitely times where a hard scaling mage is needed in the support role. While League of Legends has a roster full of mages who can slide into bot lane and support, Veigar can be a strange fit. His passive, Phenomenal Evil Power (passive), grants him bonus ability power for landing spells on enemy champions or scoring a takedown. In order to maximize his ability to scale, Veigar needs to be constantly landing abilities which doesn't gel well with AD carries who prefer to farm until their power spike. Additionally, mages like Brand, Zyra, and Lux can still carry the game with their damage while being able to play passively until needed.


While Zac is an incredible jungler this patch, he feels awkward as a support. Zac's engage tool is Elastic Slingshot (E), which allows him to dive deep into the enemy back line. In lane, however, it feels as if Zac "out runs" his AD carry, as he will slingshot to engage a fight and leave his ADC in the dust. The pick has potential in an organized team scenario, but requires far too much mechanical coordination to be reliable in solo queue.