5 Worst Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 10.16

5 Worst Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 10.16
5 Worst Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 10.16 / Image via Riot Games

The five worst top laners in League of Legends Patch 10.16 are usually mages of some sort or lack the ability to turn beefy. The top lane has been dominated by a handful of champions over the last few months, so there is an abundance of sub-optimal picks to choose from. In this article, I will focus on champions that are least rewarding or have the most number of losing matchups. Let's take a look at which champions are the worst for climbing in Patch 10.16.

5 Worst Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 10.16


After Lillia's release, players have been trying to play her in the jungle, mid and top lanes rather unsuccessfully. She currently sits below a 46% win rate overall and is clearly under-tuned. Lillia is simply not sturdy enough to last in the top lane as she loses pretty much any trade to a champion like Darius. This limits her ability to scale into the late game and impact the match. Lillia is an awful choice in the top lane right now and should be avoided.


Ryze is another scaling pick that simply doesn't last long enough to reach his power spike. He struggles immensely against the likes of Darius or Garen and is often forced to farm under tower. Ryze seems to be healthier in the mid lane and should have better chances there. If you're looking for some AP picks top instead of Ryze, give Vladimir or Rumble a try instead.


Lucian top is a response to some of the more mobile picks such as Singed. Lucian has extremely niche matchups and certainly cannot be picked every game as a main. In matchups against Camille or Darius, Lucian has to play nearly perfectly to come out of the lane phase on top. There are much more rewarding picks than Lucian top that will help you climb faster.

Dr. Mundo

Dr. Mundo is tough to win with because of his low damage and lack of play-making ability in his kit. He struggles to win one on one fights and doesn't provide any crowd control. His healing can be kept in check with Executioner's Calling and he doesn't bring any value outside of his tankiness. Instead of Dr. Mundo, try Maokai or Ornn, as they both bring the same sturdiness in addition to superior crowd control.


Cho'Gath is another pick that doesn't bring enough to the table to be considered a great solo queue pick. He can be a menace to backline targets but struggles to kill tanks. Since he sees a lot of tank matchups in top lane, he hardly ever comes out of lane phase ahead. Cho'Gath is a sub-optimal pick and should be avoided in the top lane.