Overwatch Hero 28 Wrecking Ball's Achievements Revealed

Overwatch Hero 28 Wrecking Ball is now live in the game's servers, and here are all his achievements.

During Wrecking Ball's initial release​ on the PTR, many of his cosmetics were not implemented at the time. A recent stream from Blizzard revealed more information about ​Hammond, and showed off all of his skins to be released. 

The inclusion of his new skins and sprays has also revealed information regarding his two special achievements. Just like every other ​Overwatch hero, Wrecking Ball will have a "Pixel" and "Cute" spray. 

His first achievement is, Adaptation: Absorb 1500 Damage With Wrecking Ball's Adaptive Shield Without Dying in Quick or Competitive Play. This one will be for his Pixel spray. 

The second achievement reads, Strike: Roll Through 5 Plays Within 2 Seconds as Wrecking Ball in Quick or Competitive Play. When finished, this will unlock the Cute spray. 

Overall, the achievements don't look too difficult. Strike seems to be the trickier one of the two, but should be easily finished with the help of a good combo with Zarya's ultimate.

This article has been updated

Cover photo courtesy of Blizzard