How to Get Porygon in Pokémon Let's Go

How to get Porygon in Pokémon Let's Go is a bit different than the original games. Here is a guide to getting Porygon in Pokémon Let's Go.
How to Get Porygon in Pokémon Let's Go
In the original games, Porygon was obtainable through the Celadon Game Corner or Rocket Game Corner in Celadon City, but the Pokémon can be caught in a different manner in Pokémon Let's Go.
Players can find wild Porygon in Route 7, which is near Celadon City. It will spawn in the grass as all other Pokémon do in the wild. Players will be able to get multiple Porygon if they choose, and even attempt to get a Shiny Porygon.
There is another way to get Porygon in the game through the regular adventure. Players will be able to obtain it in Saffron City in the Silph Co. building.
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