AC Valhalla Turrim Larus Ruins Wealth Location

AC Valhalla Turrim Larus Ruins is the location of some wealth and loot items. The ruins itself is located on the easternmost part of Essexe, a county in the southeast of England and northeast of London. Players can easily find it in the map as this location is along the east coast full of ruins.
AC Valhalla Turrim Larus Ruins Wealth Location
There are three loots players can gain by diving underwater below Turrin Larus Ruins:
1. Nickel Ingot
Once Eivor reaches Turrim Larus Ruins, dive underwater and find a hole in the wall. Along the way, Eivor must smash two wooden walls to get through. Swim to the left, straight ahead, go down the stairs, up the stairs, then resurface. Climb the walls to claim the nickel ingot in the chest.
2. Loot Chest #1
From mainland, head to the ruins and dive underwater. The chest is barricaded inside a wooden door. Smash it and loot it to uncover iron ore, fabric, and leather.
3. Loot Chest #2
From mainland, head to the ruins and dive underwater. The chest is barricaded inside a wooden door in the deeper water are than chest #1. Again, smash the wooden door to earn Eivor some iron ore, leather, and fabric.