All the Apex Legends Grand Soirée Skins Revealed So Far

Apex Legends Grand Soirée skins are mostly on the fancy side
Apex Legends Grand Soirée skins are mostly on the fancy side / Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts

The Apex Legends Grand Soirée event brings new skins for players to collect and show off in-game. Four of those cosmetics can be unlocked by progressing through the event's prize tracker, while the rest will be distributed as normal. Here are all the cosmetics Respawn Entertainment has revealed to date.

Apex Legends Grand Soirée Free Skins

The first cosmetic Apex Legends players unlock during the event is a gold and green Peacekeeper skin with bronze accents. It requires 500 event points to unlock.

Second in line is a Mirage skin that decks the Legend out in a suitably posh white and gold with red accents. Players unlock it at 750 event points.

After a long gap, players earn the third free cosmetic at 2,000 event points: an R-301 skin featuring pink, light blue, gold and white patterned across the weapon's surface.

At the very end of the prize tracker is a 5,500-point Havoc skin. It decks the Havoc out in teal and white with a glowing animation on its chamber.

Apex Legends Grand Soirée Skins

Respawn has teased several more cosmetics coming in the event, mostly through the trailer for the event.

Pathfinder event skin
Pathfinder event skin / Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts

Pathfinder's skin puts the lovable, murderous robot in something between a tuxedo and a waiter's uniform.

Bangalore and Bloodhound in event skins
Bangalore and Bloodhound in event skins / Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts

Bangalore's skin puts her in an elegant black and gold outfit, while Bloodhound swaps the black for teal in a splashier look.

Octane and Mirage event skins
Octane and Mirage event skins / Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts

Octane's skin has a distinctly steampunk aesthetic (not completely unlike this recent fan-designed skin), covered in brass gears and sporting a clock centerpiece that recalls Flavor Flav in his prime.

Wattson and Caustic event skins
Wattson and Caustic event skins / Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts

Watton's skin looks like regal military dress, covered in gold with white as the base color.

Wattson and Caustic from another angle
Wattson and Caustic from another angle / Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts

Caustic's skin is closer to druid than general, colored as it is with brown, purple and green. His glowing green eyes bring home the wood-wizard vibe.

Crypto event skin
Crypto event skin / Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts

Crypto seems to have missed the dress code memo, wearing white cargo pants and a yellow, purple and white jacket. He's also dyed his hair blonde and thrown a gold chain over his bare chest.