Apex Legends Developers Tease Rampart Updates in Season 10
By Jack O'Dwyer

Apex Legends developers have recently revealed updates for Rampart are coming in Season 10.
Jason McChord, Respawn Entertainment Design Director, informed fans of the pending changes by replying to a post on the official Apex Legends subreddit board. The post in question contained captured footage of a player demolishing the competition using Rampart in a match. Most players know Rampart as a situational choice. However, clearly, in the hands of a good player, she can be invaluable against a few players at once.
— Apex Legends (@PlayApex) June 21, 2021
┳┻| _
┻┳| •.•) What if we brought back
┳┻|⊂ノ Skull Town
Apex Legends Developers Tease Rampart Updates in Season 10
On the post, another Rampart main, Reddit user Jsnbassett, gave their own list of critiques on the legend. According to them, Rampart's kit is severely underpowered. She has incredible potential and can often be a "1v2 god." They made a few suggestions on how developers could tweak her abilities to make her even more of a powerhouse.
Players should be able to "switch amp side of shield with button press"—with a cooldown, of course. Other players shouldn't be able to just climb over her shield, either. Defensive abilities such as Rampart's "would be such much more powerful if it HAD to be broken to get through it" and forces others to get creative on the field.
Jsnbassett is not a fan of Sheila as an ultimate ability. She has poor rotation, but fixing her would make her over-powered at best. The ability should be severely reworked as the player rarely finds themselves using it in-game.
"I want to use Sheila every game at least once, like everyone else's ults," they wrote, "I would personally ditch the multiple Sheila option for some very spicy QOL+power."
They also didn't particularly like Rampart's passive, but couldn't think of anything to fix it. Extending it to all weapons would "make her an unfair 1v1 duelist."
"But I would like to see something tweaked," they wrote.
Dodge ?
— Apex Legends (@PlayApex) June 17, 2021
Duck ?
Dip ?
Dive and Dodge your way through the Outlands with the Knockout City-themed weapon charm. Available now through June 30 for all @EAPlay members. pic.twitter.com/Ql3L6WvabR
McChord replied to the comment under the username Monsterclip, revealing that changes are coming for Rampart in the next season. Unfortunately, he didn't say much else regarding what Rampart mains could expect heading into the season.
"Good suggestions here, thanks for writing it up. We have some good Rampart updates coming mid season 10. You'll know it when you see it. :)" He wrote.
Exactly what those changes are and how players like Jsnbassett will use them remain to be seen. Fans will just have to wait for that mysterious mid-season 10 patch.