Apex Legends Leak Uncovers New 'Tropics' Map, Possible Details

Apex Legends Twitter informant @GarretLeaks shared their findings around a new map known as "Tropics" earlier this week.
Apex Legends Twitter informant @GarretLeaks shared their findings around a new map known as "Tropics" earlier this week. / Respawn Entertainment

Apex Legends Twitter informant @GarretLeaks shared their findings around a new map known as "Tropics" earlier this week.

In a tweet posted to their Twitter account early on Sunday, July 18, @GarretLeaks shared images of a new worn-looking Trident vehicle allegedly tied to the new map. The existence of these vehicles implies the map may be more similar to older locations such as Olympus and contain similar mechanics.

Tridents are only found in Olympus, after all.

Apex Legends Leak Uncovers New 'Tropics' Map, Possible Details

The only difference between the appearance of the Tropics Tridents and the Olympus Tridents is a few well-placed smears or splashes of mud and dried earth. It seems as though these vehicles will be more suited to land travel than air travel—possibly over large stretches of mud or deep water by the look of them. The map's name certain lends credence to that concept. Tropical rainforests and wetlands aren't exactly known for their bone-dry sandy floors.

@GarretLeaks went on to post a video on his YouTube channel that same day with even more information about the map. Aside from the Tridents, they also managed to find a function in the code for "alien plant" effects and jungle backdrops for the newest unreleased comics.

The map, they said, could be the planet Gaea, home of Caustic, Crypto, and Rampart. If the developers are following the logic of introducing certain maps to correspond to certain legends, Caustic, Rampart, and Crypto's corresponding map has yet to be seen. Could it be Tropics?

This isn't the first time we've heard of progress on Tropics, either. In mid-August 2020, credible informant @Shrugtal revealed a couple lines of core code for a "Tropic Island" map. @GarretLeaks claimed in their video that this is the map belonging to the Tridents. However, DBLTAP cannot confirm that the two are one and the same.

More information can be found through @GarretLeaks' video. They suspect the map will be released alongside Season 11.