Apex Legends Player "Legally Obligated to Quit" Following Disastrous Play Caught on Camera
By Jack O'Dwyer

One Apex Legends player stated they were now "legally obligated to quit" playing the game after missing every shot.
Everybody has off days. Even professionals know that not every match they enter will end with them rising to the top of the leaderboard. Still, knowing that doesn't make defeat taste any less bitter—especially if you caught your own blunder on tape. Upon somehow missing every single shot against multiple targets in a match, Reddit user Emoodev posted the unfortunate clip to the Apex Legends subreddit board so others could witness the catastrophe.
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The majority of the comments on the post were poking fun at Emdoodev with remarks like "You didn’t choke your lungs just stopped working," and asking if they needed a medical prescription for an aimbot program. The user took them in stride, however, as the replies were simply good-natured jabs at an agreed-upon-awful showing.
Of these comments, the most popular were those that listed every possible name for this unfortunate maneuver. For the sake of hilarity, we've included some of the best ones below:
- Aim Resist (instead of "Aim Assist")
- Strike-out Pack
- Stormtrooper Pack
- Aimn't
- Aimnot (instead of "Aimbot")
We definitely recommend checking out the whole thread if you need a good chuckle to get through the rest of the day.
Others were notably supportive of the player's blunder with some coming forward to share similar experiences. It appears that this isn't an uncommon occurrence for other players—in Apex or otherwise—as several replies rallied around Emoodev to offer advice and encouragement. Some even jokingly accused them of spectating the commenter's match or getting footage off their console.
"Hey bro, I'm the bin with you," user habratto wrote, "Didn't play for a week now. Take a break for few days or weeks."
User Legitimate_Watch_467 wrote, "One of those days... don't beat yourself up, everyone can have a bad day/match/hour/week/season/year :-)"
Here's hoping this player returns to the game with a clear mind and light heart. Better luck next time!