Apex Legends Thank You Button: How to Thank Teammates

Apex Legends thank you button has to be reassigned after Crypto's arrival
Apex Legends thank you button has to be reassigned after Crypto's arrival /

The Apex Legends thank you button has been one of the many small improvements to the battle royale formula that players have responded to with particular warmth. Being able to thank teammates for saving you a weapon or a medkit has struck a chord with players.

In the wake of Crypto's arrival in Apex Legends, the default key for thanking teammates has shifted. Here's what you need to know to make sure you're still giving thanks to considerate teammates.

Apex Legends Thank You Button: How to Thank Teammates

The default key for saying "Thank you," was "H", but Crypto uses that key for an ability, forcing Respawn Entertainment to shift the thank you command.

To make sure you can still thank teammates, head into the "Open Quip Wheel" portion of the settings. There you'll be able to bind thanks to whatever key you care to and keep the positive vibes flowing in-game.

Photo courtesy of Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts