5 Best Supports in League of Legends Patch 10.16

Sona is the best support in League of Legends Patch 10.16.
Sona is the best support in League of Legends Patch 10.16. / Photo by Riot Games

The best supports in League of Legends Patch 10.16 brings you the the best support champions for gaining LP in the current meta. Patch 10.16 brings changes to many support champions, including Morgana, Veigar, Nautilus, Bard and Rakan.

Take a look at the five best supports in League of Legends Patch 10.16.

5 Best Supports in League of Legends Patch 10.16

Support champions can aid their team in a variety of ways by providing shielding, healing, vision, damage and crowd control. Each support entails their own unique blend of tools, which if utilized correctly can severely influence the game and result in the enemies nexus destruction.

5. Maokai

Maokai provides reliable crowd control and front line presence allowing for his lane partner to safely farm up and scale. Sapling Toss (E) stands to completely deny the enemy bot from entering bushes resulting in easy poke damage and bush priority. Nature's Grasp (R) has the ability to completely change team fights resulting in Maokai's status as a premiere support.

4. Blitzcrank

League of Legends Patch 10.16 brings buffs to Lucian, Jinx and Jhin. As a result many players will be opting to test out their new power levels. Blitzcrank has been strong for quite some time and performs well against these champions translating into a powerful support pick in the current meta. Just be sure to hit your Rocket Grab (Q) or you may end up in some less than desirable positions.

3. Leona

While unchanged in the latest patch, Leona stands as one of the strongest supports in the current meta. Tremendous crowd control abilities in addition to unparalleled resistances translate into an absolute powerhouse of a support. Eclipse (W) acts as a budget Alistar ultimate which when paired with Aftershock will tilt enemies into oblivion.

2. Velkoz

Velkoz has one primary attribute that makes him stand out, damage. Velkoz has the ability to do the most damage in the game even as a support. Opt for Liandry's Torment into Zhonya's Hourglass to provide maximum damage and safety.

1. Sona

Sona brings healing, shielding, movement speed and crowd control to the bottom lane. This blend of attributes allows your teammates to maintain optimal positioning and health totals significantly increasing the likelihood of their success. Sona is the best support in League of Legends Patch 10.16.