Biomutant Factions: Which Tribe Should You Choose?
By Ayrton Lauw

Biomutant, a unique - and furrier - take on the open-world, single-player RPG genre, offers different factions, known as tribes, to align with as part of the storyline. Each of the tribes offer their own archetype with several different weapons available when aligned with them. The question is, which tribe is the best to choose from?
Biomutant Factions Explained
It may be wise to pair the faction to align with a proper character class to optimize how players want to play the game. However, the tribe choice does have an effect on the main storyline of the game.
There are six tribes available in Biomutant:
- Myriad
- Jagni
- Ankati
- Netra
- Pichu
- Lotus
Each of the tribes offer a unique tribe weapon, an end goal shared by the tribe and an alignment with light or dark auras which will feed into the goal of either saving or destroying the Tree of Life. Though gameplay will be different due to the certain alignment the character has with a tribe, the unique weapons give from the tribes - which all can be obtained later on - do have their own characteristics.
Regardless, the player is tasked at first to choose their alignment, either siding with the light auras of Myriad or dark auras of Jagni initially. However, players can change their alliances mid-game, though it may cause the story of the player to change into either defeating or allowing Worldeaters that are trying to destroy the tree.
The Myriad tribe align on the "Maximum Light" spectrum of auras, where the tribe seeks to "unite the tribes, defeat the Worldeaters and save the Tree of Life." This tribe will be one of the first that the player will encounter in the playthrough as part of the main quest as well. The Myriad offers the boomerang, a ranged weapon that is very accurate but tends to be a little slow for those who like assault rifles in other games.
The Jagni tribe - equipped with a samurai outfit - aligns on the "Dark" spectrum of auras, as the tribe wants to destroy the other tribes while allowing the Worldeaters to destroy the Tree of Life. As with the Myriad, this will be the other tribe that a player can align with for the main quest. The characteristics of the tribe detail that a "Dark" aura means that the tribe lacks commitment and dedicated self-interest. The Jagni tribe offers a staff for those that like the button-mashing, hack-and-slash style of gameplay.
The Ankati tribe align on the "Light" spectrum of auras, as the tribe only wants to do good while respecting others and helping others that need it. The Ankati have similar goals to that of the Myriad and believe "solidarity is what is needed to keep the world in balance." The Ankati offers the most powerful tribe ranged weapon in the game, a bow, which fires relatively quick with a high damage output.
The Netra tribe align on the "Somewhat Light" spectrum of auras, and in proper American fashion, want to stay in isolationism away from the other tribes. The Netra "values liberty and strive to protect freedom," and want to save the Tree of Life by defeating Worldeaters, but the tribe wants to itself otherwise. The Netra offers the "Grabbler," a grappling hook that is not best for damage, but is best used in combination with other melee weapons.
The Pichu tribe align on the "Somewhat Dark" spectrum of auras in which it believes in the survival of the fittest. The tribe, like with the Jagni, want to vanquish other tribes while allowing the Worldeaters destroy the Tree of Life. The Pichu archetype has "a lack of capacity for morally right or wrong behavior," and will do any means to remain the tribe on top. Pichu offer the the nanchuk weapon, which is great for those who also like to mash buttons in a hack-and-slash style of gameplay. That said, agility and being quick are the main elements of this weapon; unfortunately, though the species are mutants, they possess no teenage, nor ninja-turtle qualities within them.
The Lotus tribe, align on the "Maximum Dark" spectrum of auras as the tribe are simply anarchists and want to let the Worldeaters destroy the Tree of Life. That said, the tribe is chaotic as it wants to subdue the other tribes while allowing the destruction of game's world. The description of the Lotus' archetype describes it best as the tribe has a "lack of respect for life" and a "truly chaotic nature." The Lotus tribe offers players shuriken as a weapon - suprisingly not from the Jagni tribe - that has a fast firing rate though other weapons tend to be better than it.