Budew Pokemon GO: How to Catch
By Jack O'Dwyer

As warm weather approaches the Northern Hemisphere, Pokemon GO trainers will encounter Pokemon like Budew more often.
Budew, also known as the "Bud Pokemon," is one of the Baby Pokemon introduced in Generation IV. It is native to the Sinnoh region and is best known for its hibernation-like capabilities. This Pokemon closes its bud in the winter and reopens it to produce pollen in the spring. Its PokeDex number is 406.
Here's how to catch Budew.
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— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) June 29, 2021
Budew Pokemon GO
As a grass and poison-type, Budew is most commonly found in bright sunny and/or cloudy weather. Trainers will most likely encounter it in open grassy areas like nearby parks and fields—essentially where they would find wildflowers.
Its most recent hatching group is 2 k.m. eggs at the time of writing. Some claim that Budew is easier to locate and hatch in warmer weather, but this has yet to be completely confirmed.
Budew was first released on Nov. 6, 2018, alongside its shiny variant. It has yet to receive a Shadow form.
While we wouldn't recommend using Budew in combat, its best moveset includes the quick move Razor Leaf and the charged move Grass Knot. It has the following stats:
- Max CP: 968
- ATK: 91
- STAM: 109
- DEF: 120
- Max HP: 113
Trainers can evolve their Budew into a Roselia and then into a Roserade with 25 candies and 100 candies plus a Sinnoh Stone, respectively.