Can Drifloon be Shiny in Pokemon GO?
By Jack O'Dwyer

Niantic Labs has announced Drifloon as the official featured Pokemon for Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour this Tuesday, Oct. 5.
This ghost and flying-type Pokemon hails from the Sinnoh region and is known for its particularly unnerving backstory—fitting for the upcoming Halloween season. From 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., Drifloon will be taking over local neighborhoods at an increased rate. While some may be a bit disturbed by the tales surrounding this Pokemon, we know courageous trainers will happily brave the danger to add it to their collection.
We encourage all trainers to keep a close eye on little ones—lest they spot one of these floating fiends and fall prey to its inviting nature.
Today marks the beginning of our celebration of the global release of Pokémon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle on Netflix! Look for Pokémon related to the film appearing in the wild, in raids, and after you complete Field Research and Special Research.
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) October 1, 2021
Shiny Drifloon in Pokemon GO
Yes, Drifloon can be shiny in Pokemon GO. Its typical appearance and shiny variant were released on the same day—a rare occurrence for the mobile title. Shiny Drifloon has been available in-game since the Halloween event on Oct. 23, 2018.
This Pokemon's shiny variant is easy to tell apart from its normal color palette—even without the special effects upon encounter. While a normal Drifloon is dusty purple and yellow, a shiny Drifloon is neon yellow and cyan, respectively. Its white fluffy top and black spindly arms remain the same.
Drifloon's PokeDex number is #425. Most trainers will recognize it as the "Balloon" Pokemon with particularly ghastly origins. According to its description, Drifloon has caused several children to go missing. It is made up of "wandering souls" and makes friends with children by "[grabbing] them by the hand." Obviously, this is mean to invoke the image of a child stringing along a balloon.
Trainers can evolve their Drifloon into a Drifblim with 50 candies.