Demon Orisa Skin Images, Price, Rarity: Overwatch Halloween Terror 2019
By Max Mallow

Demon Orisa skin is one of five new legendary skins released for the seasonal Overwatch Halloween Terror event.
Overwatch seasonal event Halloween Terror takes place each October as the spooky holiday falls upon Blizzard's first-person shooter. The event brings about seasonal modes and themes, but, most importantly, it adds new skins. Orisa is the recipient of a new legendary skin this year.
No more ghouling around!
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) October 15, 2019
Overwatch Halloween Terror begins NOW.
Here's everything you need to know about Overwatch Halloween Terror skin Demon Orisa.
Demon Orisa Images
Demon Orisa released a still image of the skin in all its glory on the Overwatch website. Drawing similarities to other Blizzard IPs such as Diablo, Demon Orisa provides a hellish vibe.
Demon Orisa Price
Fans can get Demon Orisa two ways: either by opening loot boxes or by purchasing the skin in the Hero Gallery. The skin will set players back 3,000 credits. If you're on the fence, remember next time Halloween Terror rolls around it'll be discounted to 1,000 credits.
Demon Orisa Rarity
As previously mentioned, Demon Orisa is a legendary skin. She is one of five heroes to receive a new legendary skin alongside the Pharaoh Ana skin. This is Orisa's first Halloween Terror skin.
Overwatch Halloween Terror is now live.
Photos courtesy of Blizzard