FIFA 20 Pitch Notes: Major Changes to Ultimate Team Come in Latest Patch
By Max Mallow

FIFA 20 Pitch Notes released Tuesday, which added many changes to EA Sports' soccer title.
FIFA Ultimate Team was at the forefront of the patch notes with a multitude of quality of life changes implemented. As the flagship mode of the video game franchise, FUT fans were upset with some of the changes from FIFA 19 that seemed to disappear this year.
Additionally, a major bug that had FUT fans investing in a certain card type was patched. Time to cash in, here's everything you need to know about Title Update 4.
New title update is currently rolling out on PC for #FIFA20
— Icon Swap Andy (@EA_Andy_) October 15, 2019
Will be on PS4 + XB1 at a later date.
Full notes ?
FIFA 20 Pitch Notes for FIFA 20 Title Update 4
Here's a full list of Ultimate Team changes in FIFA 20 Title Update 4:
- If a player has unclaimed Group or Season Objective rewards after the related Group or Season expires, they will now need to be manually claimed via a tile within the FUT HUB.
- Updated the team selection used for Offline Draft.
- When playing on Ultimate difficulty against an AI controlled team, their overall rating will now display as ULT when viewed in the Pause Menu.
- Save Technique has been removed from the Player Bio screen as this concept no longer exists in FIFA 20.
- Updates to some front end visuals.
- When attempting to submit a Squad Building Challenge, which contains players from one or more of your Squads, you will now see the specific items impacted as part of the submission confirmation flow.
- The Weekly Score thresholds for each Rank within a Rivals Division now correctly shows in game.
- The Battle Score thresholds for each Rank within Squad Battles now correctly shows in game.
- Sometimes the player would see an incorrect value for their total earned Season Objective XP.
- During the post-match flow following a Rival's match, a player's Skill Rating was incorrectly labelled as their Weekly Score.
- Objectives related to in-game actions were not being displayed in the Pause Menu when selecting the Gameplay Objectives tile.
- It was possible to end up in a FUT Online match where the CPU AI was controlling your team.
- Your default difficulty setting should no longer update based on the difficulty you select in a Squad Battles match.
- When changing players via the Team Management screen in the Pause Menu, it would appear, based on the player names, that the changes were not actually taking place.
- The Season Objective widget would rarely not display on the screen.
- Multiple instances where a Champions Channel replay would desync.
- Sometimes, when attempting to view a Champions Channel replay, you would be taken to a black screen.
- Players were not seeing their FUT Coin balance update correctly after selecting their Squad Battles rewards until they logged out and back into FUT.
- Backing out of a Take Me There link to the Season Objective HUB could result in a player seeing an Objective Group as undefined.
- Stability issue seen in some situations after downloading a FUT Squad Update.
- Debug text present after claiming some Season Objective rewards.
- When making changes to your subs or reserves, with Multi-Swap active, the chalkboard dots were moving around.
- Searching for Club Items on the Customize tab of the Squad Screen would sometimes display a player's name instead of the proper Club Item.
- Overlay incorrectly referred to a manager as a player after purchasing a Manager Item from the FUT Transfer Market.
- Visual issue when highlighting a Rare Item on the Club Tab of the Squad Screen.
- Visual issue when highlighting an ICON Item on the Club Tab of the Squad Screen.
- When changing Ball Items in the Customize tab of the Squad Screen, the images of the balls sometimes overlapped.
- Adboards for FUT Champions were present in Friendlies matches.
- The indicator on the Store was not correctly showing how many packs were in a player's My Packs section after claiming rewards that contained multiple packs of the same type.
- Visual overlap between some assets on the Squad Battles tile when you had rewards waiting to be claimed.
- The Abuse Reporting overlay, when accessed in FUT Friendlies Couch Play, was incorrectly listing some options twice.
- The Verification Required overlay was missing the appropriate button callouts.
- Stability issue rarely impacting players after they complete the Verification Required overlay.
FIFA 20 Fitness Glitch: Bug Patched in FIFA 20 Title Update 4
That's right, folks. The FIFA 20 Ultimate Team fitness glitch was finally patched. It's time to sell all of your fitness cards that you invested in early on in the game. The fitness glitch inadvertently made players unaffected by fitness in game. It affected both Squad Battles, Rivals and FUT Champions.
Check out more stories on how Career Mode and overall gameplay was affecte
Title Update 4 is now live on PC with Xbox One and PlayStation 4 receiving the patch at a later date, according to EA.
Photo courtesy of EA Sports