Gabite Pokemon Go: How to Catch
By Andrew Lin

Gabite Pokemon Go is the evolved form of Gible, and the pre-evolution to Garchomp. The Sinnoh Region Celebration event will be your chance to get Gabite and its evolution line.
Gabite Pokemon Go
Gabite, along with its family, were originally introduced in the Sinnoh Region. They will have an increased encounter rate during the Sinnoh Region Celebration. The event will run from 8 a.m. Feb. 7 to 10 p.m. Feb. 10, and will focus on Pokemon originally found in the Sinnoh region.
We know that you know that Pokémon originally found in the Sinnoh region are awesome. But did you know that our Sinnoh region celebration starts now? Now you do!
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) February 7, 2020
Gible will also be among the Pokemon that will hatch from all 7km eggs during the event. Gible is hard to find in the wild, so hatching it might be players' best chance to obtain one.
Gabite, like the rest of its family, is a dual Dragon and Ground-Type Pokémon. To evolve Gible into Gabite, you'll need 25 Candy. To get Garchomp, you will need another 100 Candy.
Gabite's evolved form, Garchomp, is one of the strongest Pokémon in the game. It learns some of the best Dragon and Ground type moves, and is a good counter to Steel-Type Pokémon and other Dragons.