Halo Infinite December 2022 Update Explained

"The Pit has come to Halo Infinite!"
"The Pit has come to Halo Infinite!" / 343 Industries

On the heels of the Winter Update, 343 Industries has brought another extensive patch to Halo Infinite before it takes a break for the holidays — the December 2022 update.

From the additions of the Custom Game Browser and The Pit remake, to all Armor Cores and Cadet Coatings being given for free, here's a breakdown of everything you need to know about the Halo Infinite December 2022 Update.

Halo Infinite December 2022 Update Explained

Custom Game Browser (CGB)

First off, this update debuts the Custom Game Browser in Halo Infinite, which 343 says is a development that now happens "months ahead of its original target." The devs did add that since this is "V1" of the feature, players will likely see some rough edges, but that getting this out will "unlock the true potential of Forge."

The Customs Browser menu lists 12 sessions per page.
The Customs Browser menu lists 12 sessions per page. / 343 Industries

The Pit (Empyrean)

Next, the long-beloved The Pit map from Halo 3 has been officially rebuilt in Forge by the 343 Industries team and is now reborn as Empyrean. Empyrean is available now in Matchmaking and Custom Games, complete with the additional layer of Halo Infinite’s gameplay and sandbox features.

Free Armor Cores & Cadet Coatings

In response to feedback around Halo Infinite’s armor customization, particularly from those who may have missed out on some unique content from over the course of Seasons 1 and 2, 343 has decided to make numerous cores and coatings available to both new and returning players for free, regardless of whether they purchased previous Premium Battle Passes or participated in the associated limited-time events.

Spartans wearing five of the new Cadet Armor Coatings on different Armor Cores.
Spartans wearing five of the new Cadet Armor Coatings on different Armor Cores. / 343 Industries

Previously released Armor Cores that could only be unlocked via Premium Battle Passes or limited-time events are now available to all players for free:

  • Mark V [B]
  • Rakshasa
  • Yoroi
  • Eaglestrike

In addition, the following 10 Cadet Armor Coatings have now been added to all available Armor Cores for free:

  • Cadet Blue 
  • Cadet Brick 
  • Cadet Brown 
  • Cadet Cyan 
  • Cadet Forest 
  • Cadet Grey 
  • Cadet Orange 
  • Cadet Sage 
  • Cadet Violet 
  • Cadet Yellow 

Because the Cadet Blue Armor Coating is now available on the Yoroi Armor Core, Yoroi’s Untethered Wind Armor Coating has been updated. All players who purchased the Untethered Wind Armor Coating will now have both the Cadet Blue and the updated Untethered Wind Armor Coatings.

The updated Untethered Wind (left) and the new Cadet Blue (right) Armor Coatings for the Yoroi Armor Core.
The updated Untethered Wind (left) and the new Cadet Blue (right) Armor Coatings for the Yoroi Armor Core. / 343 Industries

For the rest of the patch's quality of improvements, balance changes and known issues, feel free to check out the full official Halo Infinite December 2022 Update patch notes.