How Long is the Valorant Beta Active?

How long is the Valorant beta active is the question on every player's mind with more and more beta access keys dropping each day.
How long is the Valorant beta active is the question on every player's mind with more and more beta access keys dropping each day. / Courtesy of Riot Games

How long is the Valorant beta active is the question every gamer wants the answer to with more and more beta access keys dropping via Twitch each day.

While Riot Games has made numerous statements that they expect the closed beta period to remain short, there is not yet an official end date for the Valorant beta or for the release of Valorant to the general public.

How Long is the Valorant Beta Active?

The Valorant beta period initially started earlier in April with Riot Games releasing over 100,000 Valorant beta access keys to viewers who watched eligible Valorant streamers with drops enabled. The flow of Valorant beta access keys had to be halted when Riot Games encountered server issues because of to the large influx of players.

Now, Riot Games has expanded access to the Valorant beta, with Twitch viewers now able to watch any Twitch streamer that has access to Valorant and drops enabled for a chance at getting a key. In a blog post from Riot Games, it is clear that they intend for far more access keys to be given out before the end of the closed beta, as they are increasing the current closed beta server loads by 25 percent.

The presence of even more access keys indicated that the closed beta should be around for at least another one to two weeks as Riot Games prepares for the game's official launch in the summer of 2020. In any case, players who get a Valorant beta access key this week, or at any other time during the Valorant beta, will know in advance from Riot Games before the Valorant servers close for the official launch of the game later this year.