How to Play the Abbasid Dynasty in Age of Empires IV

The Abbasid Dynasty is a deceptively tricky civilization. Their method of advancing from Age to Age — the construction of new wings at the House of Wisdom — separates them from every other civilization in the game, and is the focal point around which the rest of the civilization spins. Here's what you need to know to make the Abbasid Dynasty sing.
How to Play the Abbasid Dynasty in Age of Empires IV
Where other civilizations build new Landmarks to advance to subsequent Ages, the Abbasid Dynasty instead builds new wings in the House of Wisdom. This presents an early challenge for the Abbasid, as building the House of Wisdom itself and constructing a new wing are both actions that cost resources, but don't immediately provide a benefit.
It's critical to balance this early resource deficit with the Abbasid's exceptional ability for early harassment. Because their infantry can construct siege weapons from the very start, early sorties to disrupt opponent bases are more durable and threatening. These attacks can be used to buy time while you catch up on resources. The Abbasid Dynasty's 25% faster Berry Bush gathering is also useful in fielding those early soldiers.
But the House of Wisdom does more than advance the Ages. It also holds all the Abbasid Dynasty's unique technologies, and provides the locus point for the Golden Age system. Golden Ages are the key to Abbasid success. The more structures are built within the sphere of influence around the House of Wisdom, the faster tech is researched, the faster Villagers gather, and the faster production takes place. Rushing these Golden Ages is of vital importance.
Golden Age Tier 1 (10 Structures): Villager gathering rate +10% for all resources.
Golden Age Tier 2 (30 Structures): Villager gathering rate +15% for all resources. Research speeds +15%.
Golden Age Tier 3 (60 Structures): Villager gathering rate +20% for all resources. Research speeds +20%. Production speeds +20%.
The Abbasid Dynasty also benefits from its Camel Archer and Camel Riders, both of which passively nerf nearby enemy cavalry. Camel Riders also deal extra damage to cavalry. This makes the Abbasid Dynasty a plausible counter to the French, who rely heavily on their cavalry.
If you're looking for help with other Age of Empires IV civilizations, check out our guides for the Rus, the English, and the French.
Abbasid Dynasty Landmarks — Wings
The House of Wisdom contains civilization technology for the Abbasid Dynasty. Abbasids advance in Ages through the House of Wisdom. Constructing wings advances to the next Age and gains additional technology. Here are the technologies unlocked in the House itself, and then technologies each wing unlocks.
- Phalanx (Age II) – Increase the attack range of Spearmen by 100%.
- Camel Handling (Age III) – Increase the movement speed of camel units by 15%.
- Camel Barding (Age IV) – Increase the armor of camel units by 2.
- Composite Bows (Age IV) – Reduce the reload time of Archers by 25%.
Culture Wing
- Preservation of Knowledge (Age II) – Reduce the cost of all technology by 30%.
- Medical Centers (Age III) – Keeps heal nearby units for 2 health every 1 second.
- Faith (Age IV) – Imams can convert units without holding a Relic, but can only target a single unit.
Economic Wing
- Fresh Foodstuffs (Age II) – Reduce the cost to produce Villagers by 50%.
- Agriculture (Age III) – Improve Villagers' gathering rate from Farms by 15%.
- Improved Processing (Age IV) – Villagers drop off 8% more resources.
Military Wing
- Camel Support (Age II) – Camels increase the armor of nearby infantry by 1.
- Camel Rider Shields (Age III) – Grant Camel Riders shields, improving their melee armor by 3.
- Boot Camp (Age IV) – Increase the health of all infantry by 15%.
Trade Wing
- Spice Roads (Age II) – Increase the Gold income from Traders by 30%.
- Armored Caravans (Age III) – Grant 5 armor to Traders and Trade Ships.
- Grand Bazaar (Age IV) – Traders also return with a secondary resource. This resource is 25% the base Gold value and is set at the market.
Abbasid Dynasty Unique Units
- Camel Archer: Highly mobile and durable ranged unit effective against all cavalry. Bonus damage against spearmen. Causes enemy cavalry to deal less damage.
- Camel Rider: Highly mobile and durable melee unit effective against all cavalry. Bonus damage to cavalry. Causes enemy cavalry to deal less damage.