Is There a Valorant Night Market in April 2024?

Find out if a Valorant Night Market is coming in April 2024.
Find out if a Valorant Night Market is coming in April 2024. / Riot Games via @ValorINTEL

Fans hoping for a Valorant Night Market in April 2024 might just get their wish.

Valorant Episode 8 Act 2 is well underway, and Patch 8.05 just featured the launch of Clove, the newest Controller in the Agent pool. Those who want to play as the Scottish troublemaker right away must spend 1,000 VP to unlock them instantly. Plus, the new update featured the Sovereign 2.0 Bundle that cost 7,100 VP. Players looking to save some VP after two major purchases in Riot Games' FPS might be looking forward to a possible Night Market coming next month.

So, is a Valorant Night Market dropping in April 2024?

Is There a Valorant Night Market in April 2024?

Yes, there is a Valorant Night Market in April 2024. The next Valorant Night Market kicks off on Thursday, Apr. 4, 2024. Like previous Night Markets, the April Night Market will last for just under three weeks before ending on Wednesday, Apr. 24, 2024.

If Riot Games keeps to their typical release schedule, the April Night Market will be the last Night Market until June 2024. So, if you are lucky enough to get an underrated skin, you should take the leap and purchase the cosmetic.

How Does Valorant Night Market Work?

Those who have never experienced a Valorant Night Market might be a little curious about how the limited-time event works. Every other month, Riot Games opens a Night Market that allows all players to receive 6 randomized skins at a discounted price.

Players can purchase any of the Select, Deluxe, and Premium weapon skins they roll in the Night Market for much less VP than their original prices. Unfortunately, the Night Market does not include Ultra or Exclusive skins.

Can You Reroll Your Valorant Night Market Skins?

No, you cannot reroll your Valorant Night Market skins. The given options to each individual player are completely random and final. The skins you roll on opening day are the skins you will have for the entire duration of the Night Market.

If you are disappointed with your options, then you must wait until the June Night Market opens.