League of Legends Patch 10.14 Mid Lane Tier List

Galio figures to be Patch 10.14's strongest mid laner
Galio figures to be Patch 10.14's strongest mid laner / Image via Riot Games

League of Legends Patch 10.14 mid lane tier list examines Riot Games' upcoming balance changes and how they will affect mid lane's champion pool.

While the meat and potatoes of Patch 10.14's balance changes lie in the bot lane, there are still some significant changes to mid laners that will affect the meta. Buffs to Zed and Karthus will increase their placement in the tier list while Pyke sustained another round of nerfs. Here is our predictions for how the mid lane will play out in Patch 10.14.

League of Legends Patch 10.14 Mid Lane Tier List

S Tier - Galio, Talon, Twisted Fate, Cassiopeia, Kassadin

Spotlight: Galio

While Galio was S tier last patch, The Colossus is in an even better position entering Patch 10.14. Galio is an extremely well rounded champion that fares well against most of the S and A tier picks for this patch. He is designed to soak up magic damage, but after an item or two becomes too tanky for most assassins to burst down--unless they are fed.

Galio is an incredible team fighter because of his sustained crowd control and ability to dive when necessary. He can find hard engages for his team while also being a reliable source of peels for his back line carries. Galio's well rounded kit and lack of bad match ups in Patch 10.14 make him able to fit into almost any team comp and find success in the mid lane.

A Tier - Zed, Ekko, Fizz, Ahri, Zoe, Yasuo, Sylas, Diana, Annie, Nocturne, Katarina

Spotlight: Zed

Zed is on the cusp of S tier and may end up there by the end of the patch. He is receiving buffs to Living Shadow (W) that increase its missile speed from 1750 to 2500 while also reducing its cooldown from 22-14 second to 20-14 seconds. Higher level Zed players will find these buffs most useful and they figure to help improve the champion's skill expression. Zed will be more mobile and his poke will be harder to dodge. These buffs will be most noticeable in lane and figure to help good Zed players poke their opponent out of lane.

B Tier - Malzahar, Pyke, Orianna, Pantheon, Aurelion Sol, Nunu, LeBlanc, Syndra

Spotlight: Pyke

Riot Games announced another round of nerfs specifically targeting Pyke's ability to be a mid laner. It seems clear that Riot wants him to primarily be a support, as they keep trying new ways to nerf him out of the mid lane while leaving his status as a support untouched. Riot Games nerfed Pyke's armor and magic resistance while buffing the damage on Bone Skewer (Q) and Phantom Undertow (E).

The idea is to make him too vulnerable to lane by himself while also preserving his ability to punish poor play in the bot lane. Pyke will be in limbo over the next few patches as Riot tries to find a middle ground for the champion.