League of Legends Patch 10.14 Support Tier List

Maokai is one of Patch 10.14's strongest support picks.
Maokai is one of Patch 10.14's strongest support picks. / Image via Riot Games

League of Legends Patch 10.14 support tier list analyzes Patch 10.14's balance changes to predict which supports will be the best picks for solo queue.

With Ezreal and Varus slated for massive nerfs, the bot lane meta will shift and change what supports see play. Lets take a look at which supports figure to be the most effective in Patch 10.14.

League of Legends Patch 10.14 Support Tier List

S Tier - Senna, Bard, Blitzcrank, Leona, Lulu

Spotlight: Leona

Leona is a fantastic pick that brings a lot of flexibility to bot lane. She fits with next to every ADC and has a kit that's packed with crowd control which can be used in a multitude of ways. Leona can find picks with Zenith Blade (E) and start a massive stun chain that should allow her ADC ample time to find a kill. Additionally, Solar Flare (R) can be used to initiate a team fight or peel any enemies that made their way to the back line. Leona's incredible versatility and bulk make her one of Patch 10.14's strongest supports.

A Tier - Thresh, Nautilus, Maokai, Sona, Soraka, Nami, Zilean

Spotlight: Maokai

Maokai support has seen a resurgence in play lately and its an extremely powerful pick. Maokai can stand in as a main front line presence and is a quick remedy for a squishy draft. He has the ability to find picks with Twisted Advance (W) and is one of League of Legends' toughest champions to kill.

The Twisted Treant also has the benefit of being easy to play while also remaining incredibly effective. Next time your top locks in Quinn after your jungle locked in Master Yi and they both type, "gg no tanks," give Maokai a try and bring a sturdy front line staple to the support role.

B Tier - Brand, Galio, Pyke, Shaco, Taric, Morgana, Shaco

Spotlight: Pyke

Riot Games announced that Pyke's resistances will be nerfed while buffing the damage on Bone Skewer (Q) and Phantom Undertow (E). The thinking is that Pyke will be poked out of lane too easily to be played in a solo lane while the damage buffs will keep him from falling out of the support meta. It remains to be seen if these changes will have their intended effect, as Pyke seems to be one of the game's harder champions to balance.

My guess is that Pyke will survive, but will need to pair with an aggressive ADC such as Draven, Lucian, or Miss Fortune in order to find success.