League of Legends Patch 10.14 Tier List

Patch 10.14's best picks in every role.
Patch 10.14's best picks in every role. / Image via Riot Games

League of Legends Patch 10.14 Tier List examines the best picks in every role to help you win your solo queue games and climb the ranked ladder. When examining which champions are best for solo queue, its important to remember that there is a premium on self-sufficient champions who can be a team's win condition by themselves. Solo queue is about having the maximum impact you can in order to help your teammates get ahead and win the game. Lets find out which picks give you the best chance to positively impact your games in each role!

League of Legends Patch 10.14 Tier List

Top Lane: Garen, Darius, Nasus, Teemo, Urgot

Spotlight: Garen

Garen is currently an incredible pick to carry solo queue games. He is extremely mechanically easy to play which means its far easier to be playing him at an optimal level than more difficult top laners such as Fiora. Garen can dish out scary amounts of damage while also being difficult to kill. Additionally, Garen doesn't really have any unwinnable matchups and should be competitive in almost every game if played correctly.

For a full breakdown of the top lane meta for Patch 10.14, check our our Patch 10.14 top lane tier list!

Jungle: Ekko, Kayn, Volibear, Graves

Spotlight: Kayn

While there may be champions who can do more damage, Kayn is extremely easy to carry games with. In his red form, Kayn can heal for absurd amounts of damage while also being able to provide knock-ups and solid damage. Kayn can be weak until he is done with his transformation--the best way to expedite this process is to camp one of your laners in the early game. If Kayn gets any type of lead, he is extremely difficult to deal with and one of the best carry junglers in Patch 10.14.

To read more about the Patch 10.14 jungle meta, check out our Patch 10.14 jungle tier list!

Mid Lane: Galio, Talon, Twisted Fate, Cassiopeia, Kassadin

Spotlight: Galio

Galio is the complete package in the mid lane. He can burst down back line targets while also providing a ton of crowd control. Galio's best asset in solo queue, however, is his ability to roam. His ultimate, Hero's Entrance (R), allows him to turn trades for his allies around the map and gives him incredible mobility. Galio is a great choice for the mid lane for his ability to turn team fights in his favor and get his allies ahead.

For more information about the mid lane meta, check out our Patch 10.14 mid lane tier list!

AD Carry: Kai'Sa, Jhin, Caitlyn, Ashe, Jinx, Miss Fortune

Spotlight: Kai'Sa

Kai'Sa is currently the queen of bot lane as she scales incredibly well into the late game and has the unique ability to win one on ones as an ADC. Her passive deals a percentage of her enemies' health while Icathian Rain (Q) can melt enemy carries. While she requires some early game patience until she can get an item or two, Kai'Sa is the best champion bot lane has to offer at the moment and is good in almost every scenario.

To get a full breakdown of the best bot lane duos, check out our list of the 5 best bot lane duos for Patch 10.14!

Support: Senna, Bard, Blitzcrank, Leona, Lulu

Spotlight: Senna

Senna can scale almost as well as any AD carry in the game. Late game, Senna can deal punishing long range attacks that force your team to either play around her or lose team fights. Her ultimate, Dawning Shadow (R), can turn team fights by itself and can be used to steal objectives. While Senna is the game's best support, she does require a teammate to pick an effective tank in order to be successful.

To learn more about the support meta, check out our Patch 10.14 support tier list!