League of Legends Patch 10.15 Support Tier List

Taric is one of Patch 10.15's most underrated support picks
Taric is one of Patch 10.15's most underrated support picks / Image via Riot Games

League of Legends Patch 10.15 Support tier list takes a look at which champions give you the best chance to carry games. The support meta is fairly stable right now and should only see minor tweaks from the last patch. Anyway, let's take a look at which supports should be best in Patch 10.15.

League of Legends Patch 10.15 Support Tier List

S Tier-Senna, Lulu, Bard, Blitzcrank

Spotlight: Lulu

Lulu is an amazing support pick as she can do a multitude of things extremely well. She is one of the few supports that can still reliably use Ardent Censor and she can both play aggressively and defensively in lane. Whimsy (W) can either stun enemies or buff allies' attack speed and Wild Growth (R) can be used either as a knock-up or as a defensive cooldown. Because of Lulu's versatility, she is one of the best support picks as she can fit into almost any lane.

A Tier-Taric, Thresh, Leona, Karma, Zilean, Shaco

Spotlight: Taric

Taric is a highly underrated champion as he only has a 2.13% pick rate in Patch 10.14. He is stunningly powerful in team fights. Cosmic Radiance (R), his ultimate, has the potential to make his team completely invulnerable which can easily win team fights by itself. The added benefit of Taric being a rare pick is that players are not used to playing around his kit. Pick up Taric for some easy wins in solo queue.

B Tier-Sona, Morgana, Nautilus, Alistar, Galio

Spotlight: Galio

While Galio is normally a mid laner, he can be an extremely powerful support in the right scenario. His ability to taunt enemies with Shroud of Duran (W) can lock down an entire bot lane and let his ADC find easy kills. Additionally, Galio can use Hero's Entrance (R) to assist his jungler and mid laner. This mobility gives Galio a little more agency around the map.