League of Legends Patch 10.15 Top Lane Tier List

Camille is one of League of Legends' premier top lane picks in Patch 10.15
Camille is one of League of Legends' premier top lane picks in Patch 10.15 / Image via Riot Games

League of Legends Patch 10.15 top lane tier list takes a look at which champions have the best chance at dominating your games. Top lane is a diverse role at the moment, but the S tier champions are considerably better than the rest of the roster. Take a look below to find out what the best picks for you to learn in Patch 10.15 are!

League of Legends Patch 10.15 Top Lane Tier List

S Tier-Darius, Garen, Maokai, Camille, Volibear

Spotlight: Camille

Camille is a newcomer to the S tier, but she is extremely deserving of being placed among the game's best champions. Camille is extremely mobile and practically the game's premier one on one specialist. She is a great pick as she is extremely difficult to face in lane and can use her mobility to harass the enemy jungler or roam to mid lane. Late game, Camille turns into an excellent split pusher and can open up the map for the rest of her team.

A Tier-Vladimir, Jax, Wukong, Fiora, Quinn, Renekton, Mordekaiser, Malphite

Spotlight: Jax

While Jax misses the S tier, he is still one of Patch 10.15's strongest top lane picks. This is because Jax has a favorable matchup against most of the S tier picks and also can scale into a hyper carry in the top lane. His AoE stun and strong zone control allow him to punish bad positioning and flip trades around against the likes of Darius, Camille, Garen, etc. Jax is not very difficult to play and is a great pocket pick to have in your champion pool for Patch 10.15.

B Tier-Ornn, Sett, Singed, Aatrox, Nasus, Vayne

Spotlight: Vayne

While being one of the more difficult picks, Vayne top has some extreme pocket pick potential in the top lane. Vayne has favorable matchups against Darius and Garen--provided the Vayne player knows how to kite properly. While strong, Vayne's mistakes are often punished hard in the top lane so it's imperative that you play a clean game. Good play on Vayne top can result in neutralizing some of the toughest top picks in the game, which is worth consideration.