League of Legends Patch 10.19 ADC Tier List

Who tops the AD Carry Tier List for League of Legends Patch 10.19?
Who tops the AD Carry Tier List for League of Legends Patch 10.19? / Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

League of Legends Patch 10.19 ADC Tier List is one of the more important tier lists as the bot lane often becomes the win condition in-game. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your AD Carry is essential to securing a win.

Here is the League of Legends Patch 10.19 ADC Tier List and who you should be playing or watching out for in the bot lane.

League of Legends Patch 10.19 ADC Tier List

S Tier- Caitlyn, Ashe, Jhin, Draven

Spotlight: Jhin

You probably are sick of hearing about how great Caitlyn and Ashe are as AD Carries even after several nerfs. While Jhin does have the same flexibility that the two marksmen have, the gunslinger still is a must pick in the bot lane. Due to the cohesiveness of his kit, there are several combos Jhin is capable of that either serve as a way to secure kills, chase down champs or deal massive burst damage. His ultimate Curtain Call, while it is a skill shot, is great at finishing off champs with its long-range and damage output.

A Tier- Ezreal, Lux, Sona, Miss Fortune

Spotlight: Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune is similar to Caitlyn and Ashe in that she is strong and most importantly flexible. Her ultimate allows her to secure kills but also can serve as an objective stealer is timed correctly. During the laning phase, she is strong no matter who her Support is, but if paired with Leona, securing kills get even easier.

B Tier- Vayne, Lucian, Jinx, Aphelios

Spotlight: Vayne

Vayne was once at the bottom of the AD Carry list but has since then returned to relevancy with a few buffs. Her ability to shred tanks and stay on top of elusive champs make her a solid pick against champs like Senna or Nautilus. Her extra attack damage added in the recent buff will allow her to snowball faster and gain the advantage over bad matchups.