League of Legends Patch 10.9 Expected Changes

League of Legends Patch 10.9 will come with its share of expected changes, including nerfs to Karthus, Bard, and Trundle.
League of Legends Patch 10.9 will come with its share of expected changes, including nerfs to Karthus, Bard, and Trundle. / Courtesy of Riot Games

League of Legends Patch 10.9 will come with its share of expected changes, including nerfs to Karthus, Bard, Trundle and buffs to Gnar, Cho'Gath and Kayn.

More details about the exact changes coming in League of Legends Patch 10.9 will be available once the changes make their way onto the Player Beta Environment server before the April 29 patch.

League of Legends Patch 10.9 Expected Changes

League of Legends Patch 10.9 Buffs

Quinn, Gnar, Kayn, Cho'Gath, Lissandra and Fiddlesticks will all be receiving buffs as a part of Patch 10.9. Quinn, Gnar and Cho'Gath have all struggled in top lane, with bruisers like Renekton, Sett and Aatrox dominating alongside tanks like Maokai and Ornn.

Cho'Gath recently found success in the mid lane with his ability to effectively take and use the Glacial Augment rune, so his buff will most likely be aimed at increasing the strength of his tank top lane build.

The buffs at Fiddlesticks, based on the information we have so far, will be focused on improved Fiddlesticks' performance in the support role. With the Fiddlesticks rework that took place on League of Legends Patch 10.7, Fiddlesticks was pushed out of the support role and moved primarily into jungle due to his nearly unrivaled clear speed and sustain.

It appears Riot Games wants to keep him as a viable support and he could see a buff to the early damage from Reap (E) to increase the effectiveness of his poke.

The item Sanguine Blade will also be receiving a buff on Patch 10.9. The new items hasn't found favor at most levels of play due to the very few champions who can consistently use the item's passive boost to attack speed.

League of Legends Patch 10.9 Nerfs

Wukong, Karthus, Trundle, Bard and Nami will all be receiving nerfs on Patch 10.9, but this time Riot Games has provided the specific elos that prompted the nerfs. Nami will be receiving nerfs due to her success from Iron to Gold. Karthus, Wukong and Bard will be receiving nerfs due to their power in high Diamond and Challenger.

Only one champion, Trundle, will be receiving nerfs because of its success in competitive play.