League of Legends Seraphine's Best Build Guide

Seraphine is the latest champion to be added to League of Legends.
Seraphine is the latest champion to be added to League of Legends. / Photo courtesy of Riot Games

Seraphine is the latest champion to be added to League of Legends. And with a new champion comes the optimization of her build path. Choosing the right runes and items will make all the difference in closing out team fights and climbing the ranks with Seraphine.

Seraphine can either be played in the mid lane or in the bot lane as a support. Builds between the two roles will vary, but as an enchantress, most items and runes will remain the same. Her abilities offer high AP damage and CC, as well as buffs for her allies. This means in both roles, players will want to build AP items that synchronize with both her damage and buffing her allies to dominate games.

League of Legends Seraphine's Best Build Guide

Seraphine Rune Build

The optimal rune tree for Seraphine differs between mid and support. Playing Seraphine mid lane, players will want to focus more on damage and should go to the Sorcery tree and take Comet, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, and Scorch. Manaflow Band can be switched with Nullifying Orb depending on who you are laning against. For the secondary tree, mid laners should go to Domination and select Cheap Shot and Ultimate Hunter.

In the support role, Seraphine will stick to the Sorcery tree but choose Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, and Scorch. Strong roaming support players may want to choose Waterwalking if they plan to help their mid laner out frequently. For the secondary tree, Seraphine should go Resolve and choose Font of Life and Revitalize.

Seraphine Item Build

Mid lane Seraphine will again want to focus more heavily on damage. Staring items are Doran's Ring with two health pots. The build path will vary depending on who you lane against and the opposing team's composition. A strong mid lane build consists of Hextech GLP-800, Zhonya's Hourglass, and Twin Shadows. This core build gives Seraphine plenty of utility. From there, Rabadon's Deathcap, Morellonomicon, Void Staff, and Rylai's Crystal Scepter are all great choices depending on the enemy team you're facing.

Support Seraphine will start Spellthief's Edge and two health pots and then go into Athene's Unholy Grail, Ardent Censer, and Zhonya's Hourglass. Twin Shadows, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, and Morellonomicon are all great choices to round off the build depending on the enemy team. These items give Seraphine extra utility with her abilities to buff allies and punish enemies.