League of Legends Support Tier List for Patch 11.5

Utility, heals, buffs and more are what some supports bring to the Summoner's Rift.
Utility, heals, buffs and more are what some supports bring to the Summoner's Rift. / Courtesy of Riot Games.

The support tier list for Patch 11.5 is here! Supports are the backbone of the bot lane, and while some have a kit entirely devoted to supporting the ADC, others have the ability to both support the ADC while also being able to defend themselves. This list is based on the survivability of the champion, their utility, and what they bring to team fights. Additionally, I will add the disclaimer that while this is an opinion: any support works, as long as the player has a mastery over them. This is not something that is set in stone, and if your main is not on the S-tier it does not mean you should play them any less!

League of Legends Support Tier List for Patch 11.5

1. S-Tier List

Tanks that provide utility in the form of shields and crowd control compose most of the S-tier bracket.
Tanks that provide utility in the form of shields and crowd control compose most of the S-tier bracket. / Courtesy of Riot Games.

Alistar, Leona, Rell, Seraphine and Thresh are on our S-Tier list for a couple of reasons. As explained in this article, these champions can take up damage while enabling their ADCs to poke at the enemy team. All of these champions have massive crowd control that can change the tide of a match with a good play.

2. A-Tier List

Moonstone Renewer synergizes well with both Nami and Lulu, so much so Riot has been trying to nerf the item.
Moonstone Renewer synergizes well with both Nami and Lulu, so much so Riot has been trying to nerf the item. / Courtesy of Riot Games.

This tier bracket will feature mostly spellcasters and some of which synergize with Moonstone Renewer like Nami and Lulu. Champions like Bard, Sona and Morgana thrive on a coordinated team while they offer either shields, heals (or in Sona's case, more movement speed and damage.) I do wish to acknowledge Blitzcrank, because both his ultimate and his hook are useful at making a fight a 5-versus-4 very quickly.

3. B-Tier List

Braum's "Concussive Blows" allows allies to stun enemy champions, which is useful in the laning phase.
Braum's "Concussive Blows" allows allies to stun enemy champions, which is useful in the laning phase. / Courtesy of Riot Games.

Most of the characters on this list rely on the efficiency of their bot lane partner, for example, Soraka. While she can be built as an ability-power mage, her kit works best when there is communication with her ADC. Same with Rakan, Braum and Senna. On this tier bracket, there are also champions like Nautilus and Brand who can disrupt the enemy enough so that their ADC can find an opportunity to get a kill.

4. C-Tier List

Taric, Tahm Kench and other champions in this list have to be within a melee range to be efficient during team fights, but unlike the S-tier they do not really have a tool to engage and disengage.

5. D-Tier List

At the bottom, we have Sett, Zyra and Teemo. These champions are mainly about poking the enemy, but provide little to no buffs or assistance to their bot lane partner. Zyra depends a lot on what players build her, but for the most part, her kit can be a bit unreliable.