Maven and MerK Casting Returns Announced in CDL Community Update No. 2

Clint "Maven" Evans and Joe "MerK" Deluca are set to return as casters for the CDL in 2022.
Clint "Maven" Evans and Joe "MerK" Deluca are set to return as casters for the CDL in 2022. / Image courtesy of Call of Duty League

The Call of Duty League (CDL) dropped their second community update Wednesday, making several announcements ahead of its first Major of the season this weekend.

Courtesy of the Call of Duty League's Senior Manager of Player Relations Spencer Peterson and GM Daniel Tsay, here's a breakdown of the CDL's Community Update No. 2.

CDL Community Update No. 2: Maven and MerK Return, New Tiebreaker Rule, New Maps, Servers, Rookie of the Year Award

First off, Tsay announced that the Control mode's Round 5 tiebreaker, which decides which team gets to play defense, will now be based on objective ticks rather than kills.

Additionally, Tsay said that after discussions between the players and the devs, the A bomb site on Bocage Search & Destroy has been moved from inside the building to the outside patio.

One last competitive note on the state of Call of Duty: Vanguard made in the video is that the pros and the comp ops are looking at the newer Season 2 maps (e.g. Casablanca) to potentially add them to the rotation.

Perhaps the biggest news of the day, however, was the announcement that prominent Call of Duty casting duo Clint "Maven" Evans and Joe "MerK" Deluca will be returning to cast the CDL during the league's most important events of the year.

"They were always a part of our plans," Tsay said. "We just couldn't talk about it because of our ongoing negotiations, but those are complete, and so I'm excited to say these two who are obviously extremely talented, are going to be part of our biggest and brightest moments of the CDL with our Majors and our Playoffs and our Champs."

Peterson and Tsay then went on to discuss the workflow of the league's online servers, detailing the extensive process that goes into choosing servers for each online match.

According to Tsay, about 90% of the CDL matches this year so far have met their 10 milliseconds of play latency goal.

Additionally, Tsay revealed that the CDL has been using a newly-developed minimum latency tool in cases where that 10ms goal can't be met to manually "add" ping to a team if the competitive differences between them are significant and noticeable.

Lastly, in light of the amount of new talent bursting onto the scene this year, Tsay also announced the introduction of a Rookie of the Year Award.

The Call of Duty League Major I OpTic Texas LAN Tournament is set to kick off on Thursday, March 3, at 3 p.m. ET.