Modern Warfare 2 Open Beta Level Cap: What is it?

Now that the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II Open Beta has finally arrived, it is perhaps no surprise that many are wondering what the testing period's progression parameters are.
Modern Warfare 2 will soon feature a familiar Progression system that includes both Weapon Platform Progression and Rank (Player Level) Progression.
The Open Beta is said to offer a preview of the full game’s Progression and Challenge systems with Daily Challenges and a truncated Military Rank system, which unlocks everything in the test plus permanent limited-time rewards. Here are the level caps for the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II Open Beta.
The #ModernWarfareII Beta is now LIVE!
— Activision (@Activision) September 16, 2022
Whether you’re playing or prepping for the Open Beta, the #CODBlog and @InfinityWard have prepared an Official, Tactical, and Free Strategy Guide covering:
✅New Features
And more!
Modern Warfare 2 Open Beta Level Cap: What is it?
For those on PlayStation, Weekend 1 of the MW2 Open Beta is capped at Rank 15. To reach this rank, players must earn 87,500 XP.
Here are the most notable beta rewards during that climb to Rank 15:
- Rank 2 (3,000 XP): Emblem: "Smashed It"
- Rank 4 (10,500 XP): Charm: "Buckle Up”
- Rank 6 (25,000 XP): Animated Player Card: "Passed the Test"
- Rank 10 (45,000 XP): Sticker: "Operation First Blood"
- Rank 15 (87,500 XP): Weapon Blueprint: "Side Impact" (Handgun)
Any progress earned during Weekend 1 will be carried over to Weekend 2, even if your platform of choice for is not the same between the two. All content from Weekend 1 can be unlocked during Weekend 2, if it was not already earned.
The second weekend of the Modern Warfare II Beta is capped at Rank 30, which is earned at the 290,000 XP milestone.
These are the most notable rewards unlocked within the ranks during Weekend 2:
- Rank 18 (119,000 XP): Operator Skin: "Collision" (Horangi)
- Rank 19 (130,500 XP): Weapon Vinyl (Sticker): "No Competition"
- Rank 21 (155,000 XP): Weapon Sticker: "Safety First"
- Rank 26 (225,000 XP): Vehicle Skin: "Floor It" (APC)
- Rank 30 (290,000 XP): Weapon Blueprint: "Frontal Impact" (Assault Rifle)
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