Modern Warfare 3 Perks: All Vests Explained

Here's all the MW3 Vest Perks explained.
Here's all the MW3 Vest Perks explained. / Activision

The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 perks are all based on unique clothing items, including Vests that offer broken in-game advantages.

The global release of Modern Warfare 3 is just one month away, and thanks to Call of Duty: NEXT, we now have more details than ever before about the upcoming release. The Open-World Zombies mode will be played on Urzikstan, the new Verdansk-inspired Warzone map, and fresh mechanics, like Tactical Stance, are coming to Multiplayer.

Modern Warfare 3 also features a new perk system. After Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 did not include Dead Silence as a perk, the Call of Duty community urged Sledgehammer Games to implement some much-needed changes. In response, the developers added more realism to their game by tying each perk to a specific article of clothing, like Gloves, Boots, Vests, and Gear.

Here's a breakdown of all the MW3 Vests Perks.

Modern Warfare 3 Perks: All Vests Explained

Here's all the Modern Warfare 3 Vests Perks explained:

  • Demolition Vest: Resupply Lethal and Tactical equipment every 25 seconds.
  • Gunner Vest: Deploy with max ammo. Improved reload speed.
  • Engineer Vest: Spot enemy's equipment, Field Upgrades, and Killstreaks through walls. Aiming down sights highlights them for the team. Faster Field Upgrade recharge.
  • Infantry Vest: Increases Tac Sprint duration and reduces refresh time.

Activision urges, "Select a distinct vest for additional enhancements." Players can equip each Vest Perk before matches begin and they will last until the end of the match.

What is the Best Vest Perk in Modern Warfare 3?

The best Vest Perk in Modern Warfare 3 is the Gunner Vest. Deploying with max ammo is a huge advantage in Multiplayer, especially if you want to go kill hunting. Plus, the improved reload speed will help take down multiple approaching enemies more effectively.

Although some Vests contain duplicate effects of other perks, the perks will not stack. Be mindful when compiling all your perks to make sure you choose options that work together in different ways.