Perfect Swablu CP in Pokemon GO

Following Swablu Community Day on May 15, trainers are sorting through their captured cloud-birds to find the best candidate for evolution.
Following Swablu Community Day on May 15, trainers are sorting through their captured cloud-birds to find the best candidate for evolution. / Niantic Labs

Following Swablu Community Day on May 15, trainers are sorting through their captured cloud-birds to find the best candidate for evolution.

Altaria is a force to be reckoned with in the Pokemon GO Great League, so it makes sense that trainers would want to have the best Swablu for the job—not to mention the massive amount of candies it takes to evolve this Pokemon at all. Fortunately, trainers can figure out whether a catch is worth it based on its presented CP during an encounter.

We've broken down what range to look for with Swablu.

Perfect Swablu CP in Pokemon GO

For trainer convenience, we've broken down the CP into ten-level tiers. Each Swablu caught should measure up some where within each section of the ten-level sections.

  • Level 1: 11
  • Level 10: 235
  • Level 20: 470
  • Level 30: 706
  • Level 40: 824
  • Level 50: 931

Trainers can tell a Swablu has a perfect IV and CP according to their own level—meaning that a trainer at level 20 shouldn't be trying to find Swablu's around CP 900. Pokemon GO staggers Pokemon strength so trainers won't necessarily run into Pokemon with abnormally high CP at the start of their journey.

When in doubt, the Appraisal feature on the righthand side can be a useful tool for sorting captured Pokemon if attempting to measure CP, alone, proves too complicated.