Pokémon GO Bug Out! Event Explained: Start, End Date, All Pokémon Detailed

Pokémon GO's Bug Out! event is making a return, bringing Mega Scizor out into the Mega Raids as well as giving some new Pokemon their GO debut.
The Bug Out! event in Pokémon GO is the chance to celebrate all of the creepy-crawly bug Pokémon. The popular mobile game already has a great batch of bug-type Pokémon to catch, but this event is adding in a few more to the mix.
Making their Pokémon GO debut during this event are Grubbin, Charjabug, and Vikavolt. Mega Raids will also be sporting Mega Scizors, and lucky players may even encounter a Shiny.
Here’s a fun Grubbin fact: its strong jaw enables it to scrape trees and slurp out the sap.
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) August 4, 2022
How about another: Grubbin will make its Pokémon GO debut during the Bug Out! event!
🐛👉https://t.co/eUl2HvBTbf#SeasonOfGO pic.twitter.com/Xtosu8PvVN
Pokémon GO Bug Out! Event: All Wild Encounters Revealed
The following Pokémon will appear more frequently during the event:
- Caterpie*
- Weedle*
- Ledyba*
- Spinarak*
- Yanma*
- Wurmple*
- Surskit
- Kricketot*
- Venipede*
- Karrablast*
- Joltik
- Shelmet*
- Grubbin
- Dewpider
Lucky players might also encounter the following:
- Pineco*
- Skorupi*
- Dwebble*
*These Pokémon all have the chance to be Shiny. The Bug Out! event also marks the first time that a Shiny Venipede is up for grabs.
Pokémon GO Bug Out! Event: All Raids Explained
The following Pokémon will be appearing in raids.
One-Star Raids
- Paras*
- Pineco*
- Joltik
Three-Star Raids
- Pinsir*
- Venomoth
- Forretress
- Shuckle*
- Genesect (Chill Drive)
Mega Raids
- Mega Scizor*
*These Pokémon all have the chance to be Shiny.
Pokémon GO Bug Out! Event: All Field Research Encounters Detailed
The following Pokémon will be available to encounter when you complete Field Research tasks:
- Caterpie*
- Weedle*
- Paras*
- Venonat*
- Ledyba*
- Spinarak*
- Yanma*
- Silcoon
- Cascoon
- Nincada*
- Volbeat*
- Illumise*
- Kricketot*
- Plant Cloak Burmy*
- Sand Cloak Burmy*
- Trash Cloak Burmy*
- Combee*
- Sewaddle
- Venipede*
- Dwebble*
- Karrablast*
- Shelmet*
- Grubbin
- Dewpider
- Wimpod
*These Pokémon all have the chance to be Shiny.
Pokémon GO Bug Out! Event: Start Date
The Pokémon GO Bug Out! event kicks off on Aug. 10, 2022, at 10:00 a.m local time.
Pokémon GO Bug Out! Event: End Date
The Pokémon GO Bug Out! event ends on Aug. 16, 2022, at 8:00 p.m. local time.