Pokemon GO Ultra Unlock Part 3 Explained
By Jack O'Dwyer

Niantic Labs has finally unveiled its plans for UIltra Unlock Part 3 in Pokemon GO.
The mischievous Pokemon from this year's Pokemon GO Fest, Hoopa, has opened portals throughout the neighborhood—allowing species from Galar to appear for a limited time. For two weeks at the end of August, a handful of Galarian Pokemon will be available for capture in-game alongside a few new shiny variants. These Pokemon can be encountered in the wild, as a reward for completing themed Field Research tasks, and hatch from special 7 k.m. eggs.
What do Skwovet, Wooloo, Falinks, Zacian, and Zamazenta have in common?
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) August 3, 2021
They were all originally discovered in the Galar region and will soon be making their Pokémon GO debuts during the Ultra Unlock Part 3: Sword and Shield event!https://t.co/k5EPs0pOMQ pic.twitter.com/01E54hnidV
Pokemon GO Ultra Unlock Part 3
The third Ultra Unlock part will last from Friday, Aug. 20 to Monday, Aug. 31.
In the wild, trainers can find Galarian Darumaka, Trubbish, Falinks "and more."
When turning in Field Research, rewards could include an encounter with Falinks, Skwovet, and Wooloo. Additionally, an exclusive Timed Research line will also be available with the same encounters.
7 k.m. eggs may contain Galarian Meowth, Galarian Ponyta, Galarian Slowpoke, Galarian Farfetch’d, Galarian Zigzagoon, Galarian Darumaka, and Galarian Stunfisk.
The day before the event, Aug. 19, competitive uniforms from the Galar region will appear as avatar items in the in-game shop. The standard "Gym Challenger Uniform" will be available for free with the dark and dragon-type variants as purchasable styles. Themed stickers will be added to PokeStop and Gym disc rewards the following day.
There are two full weeks of new Raids and Raid bosses scheduled for the Ultra Unlock toward the end of August. We've broken up both weeks below, detailing exactly which Pokemon will be added to each tier pool—including, of course, Mega Raids.
For the week of Aug. 20-26 at 10 a.m. local time:
- One-star: Galarian Slowpoke, (shiny) Galarian Farfetch’d, (shiny) Unown U, and Galarian Zigzagoon
- Three-star: (shiny) Galarian Weezing, Lapras, and Falinks
- Five-star: "Hero of Many Battles" Zacian
- Mega: Mega Beedrill
- Zacian will be the featured Pokemon for Raid Hour on Wednesday, Aug. 25, from 6-7 p.m. local time.
Starting Aug. 26 and carrying through to the event's end on Sept. 1:
- One-star: Galarian Meowth, Galarian Ponyta, Unown U, and Galarian Darumaka
- Three-star: Snorlax, Galarian Stunfisk, and Falinks
- Five-star: "Hero of Many Battles" Zamazenta
- Mega: Mega Pidgeot
- Zamazenta will be the featured Pokemon for a bonus Raid Hour on Monday, Aug. 30 from 6-7 p.m. local time.
More information about the Ultra Unlock Part 3 in Pokemon GO can be found on the game's official news blog.