Pokemon GO Water Festival: Everything You Need to Know
By Andrew Lin

Pokemon GO Water Festival is coming back for 2019! For one week on Aug. 23-30, Water type Pokemon will spawn more frequently, with some able to learn new moves and others available as Shiny. Here's everything you'll be able to get during the 2019 Water Festival.
Pokemon GO Water Festival
Get ready, Trainers! ? Our Water Festival is coming back with a splash on August 23 at 1 p.m. PDT! ? Don’t miss a single catch! https://t.co/edfbMcAKIv pic.twitter.com/TrR2wSGNnn
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) August 15, 2019
The Water Festival will feature increased spawns for Water type Pokemon. Water types like Magikarp, Wooper, Wailmer and more will be more common, and specifically Wartortle, Poliwhirl, Seaking, Lapras, Qwilfish, Mantine, Lotad, Feebas, Piplup, Buizel and Finneon will be more common around bodies of water. Water type Pokemon will also hatch more frequently from Eggs.
Kingler and Crawdaunt get a new move as well: Crabhammer. This is the first time the Charge Move Crabhammer will appear in Pokemon GO.
Carvanha and Barboach will appear as a Shiny more often. Carvanha will evolve into Sharpedo, and a Shiny one will be lime green and teal rather than blue and red. Barboach evolves into Whiscash, and its Shiny form has yellow accents instead of blue.
Blastoise, Vaporeon, Lapras and other powerful Water types will be appear as Raid Bosses more often during the Water Festival.
Other bonuses will be doubled Hatch Candy and half distance Buddy Candy rates for Water Type Buddy Pokemon.
On Aug 28. from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in your local time, Azelf, Uxie and Mesprit will be available to battle in five-star raids in their respective regions. Azelf appears in the Americas and Greenland, Uxie appears in the Asia-Pacific region, and Mesprit will be in Europe, India, Africa and the Middle East.
While these Legendary Pokemon are Psychic type and not Water type, they are known as the Lake Trio and are found in caves beneath ancient lakes in the main series games.
Watch out for our coverage on the Lake Trio Raids as the event draws near.
In other Water related news, Suicune will be available for Raid Battles, with an increased chance for a Shiny on Aug. 17. Good luck catching all the new Shiny Pokemon!
Photo courtesy of Niantic.