Resident Evil 3 All Charlie Dolls: Where to Find the Dolls

Resident Evil 3 all Charlie Dolls are based on Toy Uncle's founder.
Resident Evil 3 all Charlie Dolls are based on Toy Uncle's founder. / Image courtesy of Capcom

Resident Evil 3 all Charlie Dolls are based on Toy Uncle's founder.

The goal is to destroy all of the dolls and earn a record in the game. You will also earn the Goodbye, Charlie! Achievement or Trophy. But where are they all?

Resident Evil 3 All Charlie Dolls: Where to Find

There are 20 dolls in total, and you find them from all around. The first five are in Downtown, and the first is in the Redstone Street Station Subway Station, and the next is in the Downtown Area, where you can find two dolls roughly across from one another. Then there's one in the Subway Control Room under a control panel, followed by one next a cardboard box at the top of a shelf in the Subway Power Substation Control Room. After those five, go to the Toy Uncle shop and look behind the Mega Man statue for the last doll Downtown.

You can find the next two dolls in the Sewers, with one behind a sewer gate, and the other above the exit door from the sewers. After fighting at the Demolition Site, head back to Downtown and find the ninth doll in a house after the Gun Shop Kendo.

Two more are in the Police Station on a wall and in the Safety Deposit Room, once again on a wall there. You can find the next in the Subway Tunnels after the Dilapidated Shelter. Now, destroy the thirteenth doll in the Clock Tower Plaza behind a green truck on the West side of the Plaza.

Before entering the Lab Reception in the Hospital, you can find the next doll on a gurney. Then on the second floor of the Hospital, you can spot two dolls , one on the roof bench and another in a trash bin located in the Sickroom. In the loading dock room in the Hospital's first floor, you can find the seventeenth doll on the forklift.

Now, in the underground storage you can spot a doll on a storage shelf. Then, the final two dolls are in the NEST 2 facility. One is to the left of you on the balcony, and the other is in the back of Lab 1. Now you have destroyed all of the Resident Evil 3 dolls.