Respawn Warns Players Against Crash-causing ‘Pose’ Bug
By Jack O'Dwyer

Apex Legends developers are warning players not to strike poses as they could prompt a game-crashing bug.
According to a recent tweet published from the verified Respawn Entertainment Twitter account, the development team has placed a message in Apex Legends to alert players to a current unfortunate bug. The bug, the message states, has to do with “animated epic poses” which cause the game to crash when used.
“We advise you to unequip these epic poses while our team works on a fix. Thanks, legends!” The message reads.
We’ve just published this message in-game to help cut down on crashes called by animated poses. Tell your friends!
— Respawn (@Respawn) October 15, 2021
A full fix is scheduled for next week.
Respawn Warns Players Against Crash-causing ‘Pose’ Bug
A Reddit post published on the official Apex Legends subreddit in mid-September revealed a bit more about the bug. Originally unearthed by Eurogamer, the post includes a comment from a Respawn flair-ed account with the username RobotHavGunz explains a bit behind what could be the cause.
”From reports internally, it doesn't *seem* to matter if OTHER people have the animated banner pose,” they began, “Even if non-Epic poses trigger this, it seems to be much, much less often.”
According to RobotHavGunz, there is “no obvious reason” in the code as to why this bug would occur. Neither they nor anyone in the Quality Assurance department noticed this bug in testing but, nevertheless, it is certainly happening in the live game.
They did note, however, that the bug does appear to stem from a safeguard meant to make sure players cannot run epic poses on characters for which the pose is not meant. This has made it so the bug “maddeningly” does not happen with every use of the pose.
This is likely where the “tell your friends” piece of the announcement tweet comes from. If not all players are experiencing it, not all players may be aware of it.
”I'm sorry for all the frustrations that folks have had with this patch. We're working hard to get things fixed,” they concluded.
A “full fix” for the bug is set to be shipped next week.