Spirit Blossom Evelynn Skin Splash Art, Price, Release Date, How to Get

Photo by Riot Games

Spirit Blossom Evelynn is one of 10 new skins recently announced coming to League of Legends.

Spirit Blossom is doubling in size in an upcoming League of Legends patch. The skin line previously featured 10 skins including cosmetics for champions like Yasuo, Yone, Ahri and more. Riot Games announced 10 more skins for the Spirit Blossom line including a new skin for Evelynn.

Here's everything you need to know about Spirit Blossom Evelynn coming to League of Legends.

Spirit Blossom Evelynn Skin Splash Art

Photo by Riot Games

Spirit Blossom Evelynn Price

Spirit Blossom Evelynn is expected to cost 1,350 RP once the skin hits live servers. That's the standard price for most cosmetic drops in League of Legends.

Spirit Blossom Evelynn Release Date

Spirit Blossom Evelynn, alongside skins for Sett, Aphelios and more, is expected to be released in League of Legends Patch 12.19. It's likely an in-game event will start as well considering that there will be a Prestige Edition skin for Master Yi. League of Legends Patch 12.19 is expected to release Wednesday, Oct. 5 barring any delays.

How to Get Spirit Blossom Evelynn in League of Legends

Players can purchase Spirit Blossom Evelynn for RP in the game' store once the skin is released. Players can also get the skin shard through various means in the Loot tab, but those methods require luck through different methods including opening skin orbs and capsules.

Check out information on the other League of Legends Spirit Blossom skins that were announced.