Staraptor Pokemon Go: How to Catch

If you haven't obtained a Staraptor yet, the Sinnoh celebration event is a good chance to get one.
If you haven't obtained a Staraptor yet, the Sinnoh celebration event is a good chance to get one. / Photo by: Niantic and GAMEFREAK

Staraptor in Pokémon GO is the final evolution of Starly.

The Starly family are fairly common Pokemon that will be made easier to find during the Sinnoh Region Celebration event. From 8 a.m. Feb. 7 to 10 p.m. Feb. 10 in your local time, Pokémon from the Sinnoh region will appear more frequently.

Starly and its evolutionary line can typically be caught in residential areas and parking lots.

Staraptor Pokemon Go

Starly evolves into Staravia with 25 Candy, and then again into Staraptor at 100 Candy. Staraptor is a fairly average Flying- and Normal-Type Pokémon with a high attack score of 234, defense of 140 and a speed of 198.

Staraptor's claim to fame is the ability to use Close Combat, a strong Fighting-Type move that can comfortably cover Ice weaknesses. It can also use some powerful Flying moves, making it a decent and widely available attacker.

Despite being the best of the regional bird Pokémon, Staraptor is still outclassed in the Flying category. It is easy to obtain though, and is a quick pick up to deal with Machamp and other Fighting types in Raid battles if you don't already have a good Flying type Pokemon.