The Five Most Popular (and Least) Portals in TFT Set 10: Remix Rumble

Riot Games

Riot Mortdog revealed the most and least popular portals currently in Teamfight Tactics Set 10: Remix Rumble.

TFT Set 10: Remix Rumble is set to receive Patch 14.1 on Jan. 10 introducing 11 new portals to the game. Portals are special augments that players vote on at the beginning of a game. The more players that vote for a portal, the more likely it is to be the starting modifier.

Patch 14.1's PBE cycle has showcased new portals set to arrive, but Riot Mortdog also teased them on social media ahead of the update. Before the update goes live, Mortdog also revealed the five most popular (and five least popular portals currently in Set 10.

Most Popular Portals in TFT Set 10: Remix Rumble

Here are the five most popular portals in TFT Set 10, per Riot Mortdog:

  • Scuttle Puddle: 73.7%
  • Prismatic Symphony: 69.3%
  • Multi-Talented: 65.1%
  • Prismatic Prelude: 59.7%
  • Showtime: 56.5%

Scuttle Puddle is by far the most popular portal of the lot. The portal transforms all PvE round monsters into Scuttle Crabs which drop bigger and better loot. The Elder Crab as well toward the end of the game drops two completed item anvils which provide bigger spikes to games. Overall, it's apparent the portals that lead to larger boards are more popular. Prismatic Symphony and Prelude lend themselves to larger power spikes, while Multi-Talented and Showtime improve Headliner proficiency for bigger trait totals.

Least Popular Portals in TFT Set 10: Remix Rumble

Here are the five least popular portals:

  • Silver Symphony 15.9%
  • Augment Payout: 15.3%
  • Golden Finale: 14.6%
  • Unit Accelerator: 12.2%
  • Training Dummy: 7.4%

These portals are fairly straightforward. The portals that don't allow players to scale at a faster rate are less picked. This is even more apparent when those popular portals appear alongside these listed.

With Riot Mortdog mentioning that the upcoming portals will lead to crazier games, like Crab Rave, expect Set 10 to push the limits even further when it comes to what players can accomplish.